UPSC is going to conduct the CDS2024 exam and candidates are all set the face the CDS exam this year. There are a few things that the aspirant should keep in mind to score better in the CDS Exam.
Below you can find top last-minute tips to score more marks in the CDS 2024 exam. Through the CDS 2024 Exam, defence aspirants can join the IMA, AFA, INA and OTA. It is very important to score better in each question paper to clear the sectional cut-off. A little bit of awareness will help you to avoid silly mistakes while writing the CDS exam. Now, let’s look at the CDS exam tips.
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Last-Minute Tips For CDS 2024 Exam
- Revise all your formulas for Mathematics; I hope you must have made a small booklet or a collection of formulas so revise it again and again.
- Refer to previous question papers of the CDS Exam; this method of preparation has been followed by many successful candidates for many years. So always solve 10-15 previous question papers and find out where you are lacking, focus on topics which you are sure about and you will succeed without any doubt. Check out CDS Exam Coaching online by SSBCrackExams for detailed lectures, mock tests and solved previous question papers.
- The Mock Test is the best way in which an aspirant can get a complete self-evaluation and understanding of his own progress and performance level for the exam. Mock Tests help the students to comprehend the question pattern and topic-wise question importance of the exam and even guide them to design and devise a clever strategy to use in the real exam to solve questions within a stipulated time frame.
- Don’t go for reading an entirely new topic, just revise all previous ones.
- Clear up all the arrangements you have to make forgoing the exam since many people get to the centre out of the city hence they must decide upon the transport and other stuff.
- Reach the exam hall at least half an hour before the commencement of the exam.
- Don’t take any gadgets inside the exam hall; mobiles, calculators etc. are strictly prohibited.
- Take a black ballpoint pen with you for the exam. This is very important because you have marked your answers on the OMR sheet, and on the admit card it is written that you must carry a Black Ballpoint pen, hence it becomes very important.
- You must also carry a photo ID card with you like Aadhar, Passport, DL etc.
- When you mark the answers on the OMR sheet be very careful that you are doing it in the right circle. If you mark the wrong answer you’ll get a penalty of the negative mark.
- Though they give whitener when asked for in centres to correct your mistake in terms of choosing the wrong option, it is advised to not commit a mistake anyhow. However if you commit it, then don’t hesitate and ask for a whitener.
- It is advised to keep marking your answers alongside and not leave a bulk mark at the end. Many people leave the answers to be marked in the end, but you should do it simultaneously as it will lessen the chances of any mistake.
- Make sure you remember the exams you have to appear for. There have been a few cases where people have applied for IMA/AFA/NA but thought that they were appearing for only OTA because they have not attended Mathematics papers. Yet again there have been cases where people have applied for OTA only but have appeared for Mathematics; in this case, your Mathematics paper won’t be evaluated.
- An old saying but would like to repeat it, that if you get stuck in a question then move ahead and do not waste time on that question.
- Some questions in CDSE are long, hence be focused while you read the question. Be careful and avoid silly mistakes, better if you read the question twice.
- Do not plan to read the question paper once then start solving it. Solve while you read.
- Read understand and listen to all instructions very carefully and remove any doubts in the beginning only.
- In the end, it is all about passion. I know everybody who takes this exam has a passion for ‘Fauj’ as they put in a huge amount of hard work. Believe in yourself and you will surely crack it!
If you are preparing for the CDS 1 2024 and CDS 2 2024 written exam and SSB interview, you can check SSBCrackExams online courses and mock tests.
5 Best Ways to Prepare & Attempt the CDS 2024 Exam:
- Analyse the Paper. It is very important for an aspirant to know that which is the highest-scoring part of the paper whether it is English, GS or Maths. An aspirant should have a proper blueprint of the paper so that he/she may know from which part of the syllabus a maximum number of questions are being asked.
- Speed is the key. Don’t waste your time solving a question which you are not able to solve. In maximum just give a minute or two to the question. If you are able to solve it, good, or else move to the next question.
- Previous Year Questions. These are also known as the ‘Brahmastra’ for any paper. If you analyse the previous year’s questions you’ll know what type of questions are being asked in the examination. Whether they are too easy or too hard or they are moderate. Analysing them will also let you know what is the track of your preparation. Check Out: CDS Exam Previous Year Question Papers 2010 – 2024
- Practice Mocks. Taking Mocks will not only increase your speed in answering questions but also will tell you where you stand in the real competition. You will get to know how to attempt the questions in the real examination and with effectiveness and Attempt CDS Exam 2024 Mock Test Series
- Revision. Once you are done with your syllabus, now is the time to spend your time on revision.
Want To Join IMA, OTA, AFA & INA and Prepare For The CDS Exam?
Want To Prepare For The CDS Exam and SSB Interview?
- You can prepare for CDS 1 2024 and CDS 2 2024.
- Take the best CDS Exam Online Course by SSBCrackExams.
- Take the CDS Exam Mock Test Series to boost your prep.
- SSB Interview Online Course [Must Enroll]
8 thoughts on “Top Last Minute Tips For CDS 2024 Exam”
My cds exam will be held on 3th september. So I am get ready to fight for crack this exam . I want to became a lieutenant in army.
Hatts off to the ssb cracks exam plateform of defence services …..NDA/CDS/AFCAT…
All the best to all the people who are going to write their exam!! I’m too young to write the now but one day even I will. Jai Hind!!
Please conduct online live sessions for GK and current affairs… please revise important current affairs
I want to be a army man and save my country.#Santhosh the number one fan of military.
Thank you sub crack for your valuable advice. I am going to give my cdse exam.
I’m Indian air force pilot student for NDA student
I want to server my country…. I’m proud to be an Indian…i would like to know when exam are conducted…. Month and date and year..for 2020.