How to Move on From NDA 1 to NDA 2 2016

Recently UPSC conducted NDA written exam for the for applicants of National Defence Academy entry for first semester of 2016. More than 2.5 Lakh candidates...

Recently UPSC conducted NDA written exam for the for applicants of National Defence Academy entry for first semester of 2016. More than 2.5 Lakh candidates appear for the exam and lot of returned home disappointed because they were not able to perform as they have expected either due to lack of preparation or no preparation at all. But for candidates who want to move on and try again then they should look forward for NDA 2 2016 Entry and here are some tips on How to Move on From NDA 1 to NDA 2 2016.

How to Move on From NDA 1 to NDA 2 2016

How to Move on From NDA 1 to NDA 2 2016

  • Retrospect Your Way Through Disappointment/Accomplishment: When you feel you have failed, you may be overcome with self-recrimination, disappointment, and despair. Here, make notes of things you have done wrong its the best way to start you preparation also When you feel you have succeeded, you may overcome with flattery, biased-satisfaction and overconfidence. Get a hold of your feelings, if you are serious about NDA  2 2016 entry. Make notes of the things that you have done correctly and stand your grounds on it and seek room for improvement its the best way you can retrospect yourself.
  • Practice is the Key: Success need retainment and failure need reversement and to make this happen your key focus should be on scheduled practice. A daily practice of NDA syllabus will produce wonderful result in the exam. Put it in perspective – remember that you have another opportunity to get through NDA exam so dont exert your self on the past and start with basic.
  • Practice positive reframing: Positive reframing is all about discovering the positives in any situation, even failure. Success has the power to give positive perspective its self but true magic is created when you can find positive perspective through failures too. Here are some tips on it:

(a) Understand why your attempt wasn’t successful, then use that information to try again. The only way anyone discovers what does work is by also finding out what doesn’t work.

(b) Failure presents you with an opportunity to learn and work hard until you get it right. Consider all the athletes, scientists, and other successful people who have tried and failed, only to persevere until they achieved their goal.

(c) Try using humor to encourage yourself when you are down. Seeing the humor in your situation helps you take a step back and see things in perspective.

  • Make strategies – Ask your self ! How you are planning to start your preparation for NDA 2 2016? What new topics you want to prepare this time? what pattern did you notice in NDA 1 2016 exam? …..Make a list of queries for self that’s how you can come up with best preparation strategy for NDA 2 2016 Entry.
  • Realize that Success/Failures won’t last forever: Its the statement which which may give some people comfort and may give some people despair. But a true hero is the one who realizes its reality and work accordingly, that’s how they turn into legend and last forever. If your objective is to clear NDA 2 2016 entry then set some realistic goals, work around your preparation strength and weakness. Motivate your self by achieving those goals.
  • Take Coaching: Generally candidates are ashamed of taking coaching for NDA exam because they think its in their potential area they can do it by them-self or how will they make time for the coaching beyond their daily curriculum etc. Well all we can say is make time and dont be ashamed, do what you haven’t done last time for next time.

How to prepare for NDA exam

  • All the technical concepts of NDA syllabus are from candidate’s school syllabus only, so it is advised to brush up on the basic knowledge of the syllabus it will take 1-2 hours of daily practice.
  • Stay put with current affair with daily newspaper, group discussion, television social networking etc.
  • Solve previous year NDA exam question paper as much as possible.
  • Work on time-management since in Mathematics test, time allotted per question to solve is very less.
  • There is negative marking, avoid giving wrong responses, only tick the option when you are sure.
  • SSBCrack Exams has started an online course to help aspirants in preparation of NDA written exam. You must start preparing for NDA exam now. Do the math of 11th and 12th well. Get enrolled in SSBCrack Exams NDA online course and ensure your success in NDA written exam. click on the link below to see the demo of the course:-

           NDA Exam Demo

TO READ MORE. Click Here

Picture of Ashutosh


Defence exams mentor, cracked CDS and AFCAT exams.

2 thoughts on “How to Move on From NDA 1 to NDA 2 2016”

  1. With due respect, I would say that only 10%of the questions are from ncert. This misunderstanding needs to be erased.

    • It is not necessary for UPSC to follow NCERT question set just because they are using most of CBSE syllabus. Compare it with other competitive exams like JEE then you will understand


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