Why body language is important during SSB Personal interview

In communication, listening to what isn’t stated is crucial. The body language of a conversation is read, not the words. Body language is the first...

In communication, listening to what isn’t stated is crucial. The body language of a conversation is read, not the words.

Body language is the first thing the assessor notices during the SSB interview, and as they say, “first impressions are lasting impressions.” Who you are is shaped by your body language. It is a subtle method to convey something about your personality. Being a defence aspirant, you may have observed that defence officers have nimble and distinctive personalities. If you want to have a personality like that, you should act that way and think about all the suggestions made below, which will help you develop your character and increase your confidence at the SSB.

The sentence itself makes sense since, as we all know, a person’s body language expresses their personality or attitude. Unquestionably, an Armed Officer can be identified by his body language alone, which is what sets him apart from other people. As a result, body language is crucial in communicating with others, and it’s crucial to be aware of your own and other people’s body language in order to handle a variety of scenarios and social interactions with poise.

Body Language in Personal Interview

Tips to bear in mind while you prepare for the interview round in order to improve your body language and personality.

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Posture and Gait

How you stand, walk, and hold your hands all reveal a lot about your personality. For example, a straight back and a steady gait exude confidence and composure in candidates. It is therefore advised to always sit straight, place your hands on your thighs, and walk confidently. Conversely, a shaky gait conveys nervousness and a lack of confidence.

Eye contact and the facial index

It’s important to maintain appropriate eye contact when speaking, but you shouldn’t stare straight ahead because that will be perceived as staring. Instead, try to maintain eye contact while remaining calm and composed to convey a positive message. The human face is very expressive, and you cannot continuously show all of your emotions because that will make you appear weak and make you an easy target to judge your emotions, so control your facial expressions. In addition, the facial gesture should be such that it exhibits your expression based on the context and situation.

Also read: 15 Body Language Tips To Remember During Your Next SSB Interview

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Voice Modulation

It’s best to keep your pitch constant while speaking because it conveys your confidence and lets the other person know if you have an open mind or not. Always speak slowly and clearly to ensure that everyone can understand what you are trying to say. In addition, choose your words carefully because they serve as an ornament when you converse with others. As a result, voice modulation can make or break someone’s interest in engaging in conversation with you.

Also read: 9 Ways To Show Confidence With Body Language

It is important to control your hand movements because placing too much emphasis on them can distract from your speech and give the assessors the wrong impression. Hand movements and gestures are complementary agents that convey and emphasise giving weight to your speech and are powerful communicators.

Unnatural, repetitive, or unnecessary movements

Such as fidgeting with your hair or pen, nodding and shaking your head side to side, or swaying back and forth, are referred to as eratic body movements. These are viewed as signs of nervousness and a lack of confidence because they jar up your demeanour and are not considered to be natural gestures that improve the quality of your conversation but rather as movements that promote distraction.

Also read: 10 Body Language Mistakes You Shouldn’t Make In The SSB Interview

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The usage of handshakes, head nods, and smiles

Of course, your handshake should be firm, and your greeting should be one of supreme confidence, extreme politeness, and of a warm and welcoming grin that gives out positive vibrations equaling a positive output. Even nodding your head when being interviewed will speak highly of you. By being on the same page as your group members, you demonstrate by your words that you are attentively supporting and motivating them and that you are interested in and focused on the subject and the ongoing discussion.

As seen, personality and body language are crucial components of communication in SSB interviews. Always keep in mind that when you are talking to someone, it is not just your words that matter; your entire body language, including your posture and gestures, also conveys a lot about who you are.

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Grab hold of the same by developing positive body language and letting it be the pinnacle of your personality and behaviour. Though they are deemed agents of non-verbal communication, they nonetheless convey the entirety of a person’s thoughts, feelings, state of mind, emotions, etc.

Also read: 15 Simple Effective Tips For SSB Personal Interview

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