AFCAT 1 2021 Question Paper [Original] 20 February 2021

AFCAT 1 2021 is being conducted on 20 Feb 2021 and the exam will also continue on 21 and 22 Feb 2021. Many candidates are...

AFCAT 1 2021 is being conducted on 20 Feb 2021 and the exam will also continue on 21 and 22 Feb 2021. Many candidates are appearing for the AFCAT 1 2021 exam today on 20 Feb 2021. The exam is being conducted in two different shifts i.e. Shift 1 and Shift 2. Candidates in Shift 1 will be facing the exam from 09:45 – 11:45 hours and Shift 2 starts from 14:15 – 16:15 hours. EKT will be conducted in Shift 2 from 16:30 – 17:15 hours. SSBCrackExams will get you the original question paper from AFCAT 1 2021 20 Feb 2021 examination from shift 1 and shift 2.

ALSO READ: AFCAT 1 2021 Answer Keys [All Sets]

AFCAT 1 2021 Question Paper – Updating

AFCAT 1 2021 Questions20 February – Shift 1

1 What is the real name of Babur?
2 Who is the First Indian Para athlete to win Gold in Paralympics?
3 Who appoint the judges of high court?
4 Which is not the official language of UN?
5 What is the name of the desert which formed recently as a result of a dried seashore?
6 What is the structure of ascorbic acid?
7 What is the distance between the net and service line in badminton known as?
8 The word ‘Raider’ is associated with which sports?
9 Moin-ud-Dowlah Gold Cup Tournament is associated with which sports?
10 What is the Capital of Fiji Islands?
11 What is the Capital of Kazakhstan?
12 What is the Capital of Tajikistan?
13 What is the Capital of Hungary?
14 What is the Capital of Netherlands?
15 What is the SI unit of Luminous Intensity?
16 Origami Papercraft belongs to which country?
17 International Date Line passes through which ocean?
18 Who is the author of the book “Wake Up India”?
19 Where did the June Skirmish between India and China take place?
20 Which empire in South India was known for its naval strength in medieval period?
21 Who killed General Dyer?
22 Kathakali belongs to which state does?
23 Who is the First Chief Justice of India?
24 What is the study of tissues called?
25 What is the venue of COP 25 2019?
26 Who is the author of Ram Charit Manas in Sanskrit?
27 Which country hosted first men’s cricket world Cup?
28 Which peak of Nepal is called Sagarmatha?
29 What is the number of non-permanent members of the UN security council?
30 Michael Hussey is associated with which sports?
31 Who was the British Prime Minister at the time of India’s independence?
32 Reykjavik is the capital of which country?
33 Shakyamuni is another name of?
34 The battle of Waterloo was fought in the year?
35 On which island of France Napoleon was born?
36 Which is not a metallic mineral?
37 Which is not moon of Uranus?
38 Synonym of Subjugate
39 Opposite of Calamity
40 Idioms – Bury The hatchet 
41 Idioms – To turn over a new leaf
42 Idioms – To get into hot water
43 Antonym of Amalgamate
44 Synonym/ Antonym of Demure
45 Synonym of Culpable
46 Synonym of Entice
47 10 siblings out of which A’ s pocket money 30% of total and he spends 20% of it and saves Rs. 144. What is B’s savings if he spends 50% and his pocket money is 20% of total.
48 A train traveled from Surat to Jaipur with speed X kmph for first half distance and with speed Y kmph in another half, then what was the average speed of the train
49 If X takes 12 days to complete a task alone and Y takes 10 days to do the same task. They together work for 5 days then how much work is left
51 A person travels from A to B with 20 kmph speed and returns from B to A with 30 kmph speed then average speed of this person.
52 If A : B = 3/4 and B : C = 7/9 then A : B : C =?
53 If certain sum of money becomes 7 times in 20 years, then rate of simple interest is?
54 A and B can do a work in 15 days and 10 days respectively. After working together for 2 days B left. In how many days whole work will be completed.
55 A fly started going at 10pm from A to B at 45kmph while a mosquito started going towards B at 60kmph at 10:30pm. Both meet at mid-point of A and B. What is the distance of meeting point from A?
56 Three persons started going on a circular path with speed of 18kmph 54kmph and 36kmph at 6:30am all goes in same direction then at what time they will together be at the starting line.
57 Jai traveling from Delhi to Ladakh and its distance is 375 Kms. He beats Riya (She is also traveling to Ladakh) by 50 kms or 10 hours. How much time Jai take to reach Ladakh?
58 Some amount of money becomes 1331 in 3 years at rate of 10%, find the principal amount.
59 A man purchased an article at Rs 12345, he sold it at 7% loss. Next time he sold the same article at 12% gain. Find the price at which he sold the article Second time.
60 60% of the total students are girls. 85% of boys get scholarship and 92.5% girls get scholarship. Number of students who don’t get scholarship are 514. Find half of the total students who get the scholarship.
61 Venn diagram of mother, widows, women
62 Odd one out Ascorbic acid, Vitamin C, Calcium
63 Venn diagram of celestial body, natural satellite and moon
64 Odd one out Radium, thorium, uranium, sodium
65 Odd one out Hirakud, Sutlej, Bhakra Nangal, Tehri
66 Analogy Anthropology: Humans::Histology: ?
67 Analogy Water: Oxygen:: Salt:?

ALSO READ: AFCAT 1 2021 Answer Keys [All Sets]

AFCAT 1 2021 Questions20 February – Shift 2

1 First viceroy of independent India
2 Who built moti masjid?
3 Which was the First war of Indian independence?
4 Who wrote book ‘what if ‘?
5 What is the Capital of Slovenia?
6 Which is not a tea producing state?
7 Santosh trophy related to which sports?
8 When a bowler crosses bowling line it is termed as?
9 What is the major component of Portland cement?
10 Joust is term of which sports?
11 When did India participate in Olympic for the first time?
12 Name the gas present most in environment
13 Which Badminton player got 1st Olympic medal?
14 Who built jama masjid?
15 Battle of Plassey was fought in the year of ?
16 Who was the First governor general of free India?
17 Who built red fort?
18 Indus valley civilization belongs to which age?
19 Who was the First woman CM in Indian state?
20 Which one is the White continent?
21 What is the Folk painting of Bihar?
22 Which is the Smallest mountain peak in the world?
23 Maratha empire established during which Mughal ruler?
24 Which metal is liquid in room temperature?
25 Mount Wycheproof the smallest peak of world found in which country?
26 Which animal taken from Mauryan empire represents as national emblem of India?
27 The darkest Shadow during an eclipse is called?
28 ‘vault of death’ is related to which sports?
29 Position of Sun when day and night are equal, it is called?
30 Which element is used in pencil?
31 Which of them is not the principal organ of the UN?
32 Which advanced helicopter is bought from US?/ Name the heavy lift helicopter bought from USA
33 Synonym of Chivalrous
34 Meaning of Feign
35 Antonym of eloquent
36 Synonym of pacify
37 Idiom – To miss the boat
38 Antonym of arduous
39 Idiom – To get cold feet
40 Antonym of Placate
41 Antonym/ Synonym of imprecision
42 Judge decided to resign because he was …… from being the chief minister. (a) Passed by (b) Passed over (c) Passed off (d) Passed out
43 He was considered ______ the managerial post. (a) for (b) towards (c) to (d) by
44  find a : b
45 Average weight of a, b and c is 40, average weight of a & b is 45 and average weight of b and c is 35 then find weight of b.
46 If A takes twice more time than B and thrice more than C and they complete work in three days together then find the taken by C to complete the work alone
47 Rahul can cross a downstream river by steamer in 40 minutes and same by boat in 1 hour. If the time of crossing Upstream by streamer is 50% more than downstream time by steamer and the time required by boat to cross same river by boat in upstream is 50% more than time required by in downstream. What is the time taken for the Rahul to cross the river downstream by steamer and then return to same place by boat half the way and by steamer the rest of the way?
49 If X and Y are two fractions and X is thrice of Y and multiplication of X and Y is 25/12, then Y is
50 A train travelling from Jammu to Kerala with speed of 240 miles/h and another train is travelling from Kerala to Jammu with speed 200 miles/h when they meet one train has travelled 80km more than the other then distance between Kerala and Jammu
51 A person deposits Rs. 2400, for 11 years and bank rate was 5% for 3 years 6% for 4 years, 6.5% for rest years find total SI.
52 A shopkeeper gets a loss of 28 (4/7)% on CP, find total loss on SP.
53 A man consumes 200 gm sugar, when the price increases by 10% & the consumption of the man is increased by 225 gm then find out the percentage increment of man’s expenditure.
54 If a b and c can do a work in 20, 30 and 60 days respectively then when will a complete the work if he is supported by b and c on every third day
55 Venn diagram – Medicine, Male, Surgeon
56 Venn diagram – Divident, profit, bonus
57 Venn diagram – Human beings, Male, Engineer
58 Odd one out – Nebula, Red giant, Dwarf planet
59 Venn diagram – Athlete, Singer, Female
60 Cell : Cytology:: Insect : _________

AFCAT 1 2021 Selection Procedure

  • Indian airforce will conduct the AFCAT online exam across the country at different test centers. AFCAT 1 2021 online exam will be conducted in 20 Feb and 21 Feb 2021.
  • IAF will publish the results of AFCAT 1 2021 in April 2021 and candidates will be able to check their marks, cut off marks etc on the official portal i.e.
  • Selected candidates have to choose their AFSB interview venue and date on the same portal.
  • The screening test is the first stage of the interview, which consists of verbal, nonverbal tests and a PPDT test. The selected candidates will stay at the centres for further selection tests and those who could not qualify it, would be set free on the same day.
  • The next stage consists of a personal interview, Psychology and GTO tests, PABT (for flying only), on the last day conference will be conducted after which, the final result is announced. The selected candidates are sent for medical examination.

Syllabus of the AFCAT 2021

  • English: Comprehension, Error Detection, Sentence Completion/Filling in of correct word, Synonyms, Antonyms and Testing of Vocabulary, Idioms and Phrases
  • General Awareness: History, Geography, Civics, Politics, Current Affairs, Environment, Basic Science, Defence, Art, Culture, Sports, etc
  • Numerical Ability: Decimal Fraction, Time and Work, Average, Profit & Loss, Percentage, Ratio & Proportion and Simple Interest, Time & Distance (Trains/Boats & Streams)
  • Reasoning and Military Aptitude Test: Verbal Skills and Spatial Ability

(a) General Awareness

  • History
  • Sports
  • Geography
  • Environment
  • Civics
  • Basic Science
  • Defence
  • Art
  • Culture
  • Current Affairs
  • Politics

(b) Verbal Ability in English

  • Comprehension
  • Error Detection
  • Sentence Completion
  • Synonyms
  • Antonyms
  • Testing of Vocabulary

(c) Numerical Ability  

  • Decimal Fraction
  • Simplification
  • Average
  • Profit & loss
  • Percentage
  • Ratio & Proportion
  • Simple Interest

(d) Reasoning and Military Aptitude Test 

  • Verbal Skills
  • Spatial Ability
AFCAT Syllabus 2018 2019

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