So finally the AFCAT exam is top on our head and many aspirants especially those candidates who are going to appear for the first time in the AFCAT exam are looking for the correct syllabus of the AFCAT exam. Though there is not much difference in the syllabus from past years, here we are going to talk in detail about the latest AFCAT syllabus that will help you in the upcoming AFCAT 2022 and 2023 exams.
Standard and Syllabus of the Examination:
- English: Comprehension, Error Detection, Sentence Completion/ Filling in of correct word, Synonyms, Antonyms and Testing of Vocabulary, Idioms and Phrases
- General Awareness: History, Geography, Civics, Politics, Current Affairs, Environment, Basic Science, Defence, Art, Culture, Sports, etc.
- Numerical Ability: Decimal Fraction, Time and Work, Average, Profit & Loss, Percentage, Ratio & Proportion and Simple Interest, Time & Distance (Trains/Boats & Streams).
- Reasoning and Military Aptitude Test: Verbal Skills and Spatial Ability.
AFACT 2 2022 Important Dates:
Below are the important dates of the AFCAT 2 2022 notification.
Important Dates | Event |
AFCAT 2 2022 Applications Start | 1st June 2022 |
AFCAT 2 2022 Applications Closes | 30th June 2022 |
AFCAT 2 2022 Admit Card Release | August 2022 |
AFCAT 2 2022 Exam Date | August 2022 |
AFCAT 2 2022 Results Release | September 2022 |
AFCAT Exam Online Coaching | Enroll Now |
AFCAT 2 2022 Notification | Download |
Want to Crack AFCAT Exam This Time?
AFCAT English
English Section in AFCAT exam includes 25 questions and a total of 75 marks with 3 marks being awarded for each correct answer and 1 mark deducted for each incorrect one. The total paper duration is of 2 hours.
Must Read the exclusive AFCAT English Study plans designed by SSBCrackExams
- AFCAT English Study Plan [30 Days]
- AFCAT English Study Plan [50 Days]
- AFCAT English Study Plan [180 Days]
- AFCAT English Study Plan [Full Year]
AFCAT Numerical Ability
There is no shortcut of scoring high marks in Numerical Ability section of AFCAT written exam. The only way is to dedicate good hours to Study, Understand the concepts and Practice enough. Also, keep the following points in mind while studying with the help of our study plan to clear the AFCAT Numerical Ability section with flying colours:
Must Read the exclusive AFCAT Numerical Ability Study plans designed by SSBCrackExams
- AFCAT Numerical Ability Study Plan [30 Days]
- AFCAT Numerical Ability Study Plan [60 Days]
- AFCAT Numerical Ability Study Plan [Full Year]
AFCAT GK Ability
AFCAT syllabus is not very tuff to take long time to study and also it isn’t very easy that we take syllabus for granted. It is crucial that candidates must understand that most of these are the topics that are related to the Static General Knowledge and must be taken care of. Remember if you are taking this plan, then we assume that you already have some basic knowledge and information, thus making this one month to be a strategic revision session. However, if it is not a revision and a first time for you, then I prefer you focus mostly on the Static GK related topics rather than Geography, History & Polity.
Must Read the exclusive AFCAT GK Study plans designed by SSBCrackExams
- AFCAT GK Study Plan [30 Days]
- AFCAT GK Study Plan [60 Days]
- AFCAT GK Study Plan [120 Days]
- AFCAT GK Study Plan [Full Year]
AFCAT Reasoning and Military Aptitude
So, one of the easiest and scoring section with maximum number of questions among the four is Reasoning and you can see that around 30 to 32 questions are coming from this in every AFCAT exam. So, out of 70 you can easily attempt 30 questions from Reasoning by covering only 8 to 10 topics with the maximum number of questions like Analogy, Classification, Venn Diagram, Statement and Conclusions in Verbal and Figure Series, Analogy, Figure Completion and Dot Situation in Non-Verbal Reasoning.

Want To Join Airforce Academy and Prepare For The AFCAT Exam?
- You can prepare for AFCAT 2 2022 and AFCAT 1 2023
- Take the best AFCAT Exam Online Course by SSBCrackExams.
- Take the AFCAT Exam Mock Test Series to boost your prep.
- SSB Interview Online Course [Must Enroll]
1 thought on “AFCAT Exam 2022 Syllabus, Pattern and Types of Questions [Updated]”
Your app shown me right path
Thank you ssb crack exams