Comparing AK-47 vs M16: The World’s Most Famous Rifles

The AK-47 and the M16 are two of the world’s most popular assault rifles. Both gained popularity and notoriety as standard-issue assault rifles for the...

The AK-47 and the M16 are two of the world’s most popular assault rifles. Both gained popularity and notoriety as standard-issue assault rifles for the Soviet and American militaries during the Cold War. Because of their widespread use today by the military, police, security forces, revolutionaries, terrorists, criminals, and civilians alike, they are frequently compared. In this article, we will see the differences and similarities between the world’s most used rifles.

Comparing AK 47 vs M16 The Worlds Most Famous Rifles
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History of the Two

During World War II, assault rifles were first widely used. Previously, a submachine gun was the weapon of choice.

The AK-47 was developed in 1947 and used by Soviet forces for the first time in 1949. It is also referred to as the ‘Kalashnikov,’ after its designer. Since its introduction, it has been the standard infantry weapon in Soviet service. Except for pistols, machine guns, and sniper rifles, this weapon was so successful that it displaced all other firearms.

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  • Comparing AK 47 vs M16 The Worlds Most Famous Rifles 1 1

The M16 is a more contemporary design. During the Vietnam War, Americans discovered that their M14 battle rifle could not compete with the AK-47. It was necessary to find a replacement. In the early 1960s, Eugene Stoner developed a new AR-15 assault rifle, which was adopted. The M16 became the standard-issue infantry rifle for the United States military.

The Idea of the Weapons (Concept)

The AK-47 is a product of Soviet total war thinking. The design and technology of this weapon are straightforward. It is a low-tech weapon that can be mass-produced at a low cost. Its production is simple to establish. The AK-47 is easy to use and maintain. Its success was due to its simplicity. This assault rifle is ideal for inexperienced or untrained recruits.

Overall, the M16 is a more modern and advanced weapon. It outperforms the AK-47 in terms of performance, but it works best in the hands of a well-trained soldier.

Availability and Construction

The design of the AK-47 and M16 reveals significant differences between East and West.

The AK-47 is a well-known weapon. It has a traditional design and is made of common materials such as steel and wood. It is constructed with readily available machining technology. The parts are made with less precision. It is a low-tech weapon in terms of engineering.

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The M16 was a cutting-edge weapon when it was first introduced. The US Army requested a lightweight weapon. It compelled the M16’s designer to make radical advances in weapon design. This assault rifle was constructed from lightweight materials. It substituted aluminum for steel and fiberglass for wood.

The AK-47 has the advantage of being simple to build.


7.62 mm ammunition is used in the AK-47. This weapon is not intended to be shot at distances greater than 200 meters. It has an effective range of 300-400 meters at its maximum. It won’t hit anything beyond that.

The M16’s slimmer 5.56 mm bullet weighs half as much as the AK-47’s. It also travels faster. As a result, the M16 has a greater range and accuracy. The effective range of the M16 is 400-500 meters.

The M16 has a significant range advantage.

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Compared to the AK-47, the M16 is a significantly more accurate weapon. It operates much more smoothly and with less recoil. While firing fully automatically, the M16 is much simpler to handle. Due to the M16’s internal construction, recoil barely moves the weapon. Its buttstock is also parallel to the barrel. Moreover, this function lessens muzzle climb.

The AK-47, on the other hand, is unbalanced. It has slightly off-center internal mechanisms that cause it to recoil. Also, the AK-47’s internal mechanics are essentially large bits of metal that violently shift after each firing. Moreover, the buttstock on this weapon is in the conventional position. With each shot, the combination of all these characteristics causes muzzle ascent. That renders the AK-47’s full-auto fire extremely imprecise.

Both in semi-automatic and full-auto settings, the M16 is significantly more accurate.


The US Army needed a lightweight weapon, thus the M16’s low weight was given top priority throughout the whole design process. Lightweight materials are advantageous for the M16’s construction. In addition, lighter bullets are used. The M16 can therefore weigh about 30% less than the AK-47. The shooter may carry more ammunition and it is more comfortable to carry about. So, a lighter firearm is preferable, especially if you have to carry it.

The AK-47, on the other hand, employs a few weight-saving techniques. It is lighter to use an M16.

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The AK-47 is a tough weapon with a solid design. It can withstand any abuse that a soldier can dish out. If the battle becomes hand-to-hand, you can really smack your opponent with the AK-47’s buttstock.

A fiberglass M16 buttstock, on the other hand, is not as durable as a wooden AK-47 buttstock. At this point, the weapon’s low overall weight was a trade-off. The AK-47 is a tougher weapon.


Weapon jamming is one of the most dangerous things that can happen in combat.

The AK-47 has earned a reputation as a dependable weapon. It has a simple operating system and plenty of space between its moving parts. That’s bad for precision, but the mechanism isn’t prone to jamming. The AK-47 requires little to no maintenance. It will burn whether it is clean or not. And this assault rifle continues to fire regardless of how fouled, clogged, or dirty it becomes. Even if there is a stoppage, it can be easily repaired in the pitch without the use of any tools. The AK-47 has a 1 in 1000 round malfunction rate.

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The M16 has a more complicated design and is more susceptible to jamming. This weapon had a number of issues in the Vietnam jungles. The first M16 assault rifles appeared to be issued to troops without cleaning kits or instructions on how to care for this rifle. Furthermore, the weapon used ammunition with a different powder mixture then it was designed for. Many problems were later resolved, and reliability issues were greatly reduced. The M16 has a failure rate of 2 out of every 1000 rounds fired.

The AK-47 is a more trustworthy weapon.


The design of the sights indicates that the M16 was intended to be more accurate from the start. The back of an American assault rifle has a ‘peep’ sight that can be flipped for short or long-range. The front post sight is referred to as “bunny ears.” Americans have been using similar sights since World War II.

The AK-47’s sights are very basic. It is clearly inferior to the M16. It has a notch on the back that can be adjusted to a range of up to 800 meters. However, for untrained recruits, it is more of a psychological boost. In reality, the maximum effective range of fire is limited to 300-400 meters.

The M16 has better sights.


The use of various accessories can improve the combat performance of an assault rifle.

Except for the bayonet, the AK-47 was not designed to accept any accessories. Though some accessories for this weapon were later developed. A 25 mm under-barrel grenade launcher can be added to the AK-47. By using an adapter, the AK-47 can fire 22 mm rifle grenades. This capability, however, is rarely used.

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A bayonet can be attached to the M16 assault rifle. This weapon was intended to be used with a simple clamp-style bipod. It can also be used with a 40 mm under-barrel grenade launcher. Furthermore, without the use of an adapter, all M16 rifles can fire 22 mm rifle grenades. Under the barrel of this assault rifle, a 12 gauge shotgun can be mounted. With the introduction of Picatinny-style accessory rails, the M16 has proven to be a highly adaptable weapon.

In terms of accessories, the M16 has an advantage.


To summarise, both of these weapons have advantages and disadvantages. Both of these weapons have proven to be extremely effective. Both of these weapons are still in high demand.

The M16 is technically superior in three key areas: range, accuracy, and weight and the AK-47 has the distinct advantage of being a simple and easy-to-maintain weapon.

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Siddhant Sandhu

AIR-8 NCC SPL, Blogger at SSBCrackExams, Recommended from 19 SSB Allahabad, National Cyclist, Ex NCC SUO, Photography, Travelling, International Relations, Sports, Books.

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