What is Exercise Garud Shakti 2022? [Indian Army Special Forces exercise]

A group of Indian Special Forces personnel is now participating in the bilateral joint training exercise Garuda Shakti with Indonesian Special Forces as part of...

A group of Indian Special Forces personnel is now participating in the bilateral joint training exercise Garuda Shakti with Indonesian Special Forces as part of military-to-military exchange programs.

In order to improve military collaboration and interoperability between the two sides, a contingent of Indian Special Forces is now taking part in a bilateral joint training exercise with Indonesian Special Forces in Indonesia. According to a statement released by the defence ministry on Wednesday, Garuda Shakti is the seventh installment of the series of bilateral exercises that go by this name and are taking place at the Sangga Buana Training Area in Karawang, Indonesia.

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Aim and Significance of the Exercise Garud Shakti 2022

The exercise, which began on November 21, aims to improve communication, teamwork, and interoperability between the special forces of both armies, according to the ministry.

The joint exercise’s objectives include training for advanced special forces skills, information sharing on weapons, equipment, innovations, tactics, techniques, and procedures, as well as lessons learned from previous operations. It also includes special operations involving jungle terrain, strikes against terrorist camps, and a validation exercise integrating basic and advanced special forces skills, in addition to providing an understanding of both countries’ lifestyles and cultures.

Also read: What Is Exercise Yudh Abhyas 2022? [Indian Army Exercise]

Garuda Shakti
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The joint exercise will help both armies get to know one another better and exchange their battle expertise in counterterrorism, regional security, and peacekeeping in a global setting. The drill is yet another important turning point in maintaining friendly ties between the two nations and another step toward guaranteeing regional security.

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Other Exercises With Indonesia

  • Ex Garuda Shakti
  • Ind-Indo CORPAT
  • Ind-Indo BILAT

Also read: What Is Exercise Parvat Prahar 2022? [Indian Army Exercises]

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What is the purpose of conducting Joint military exercises?

By participating in a joint exercise with one or more other countries, we can show a third country that we have clout in the region and that we’re committed to advancing our diplomatic goals. Military drills foster comradery and brotherhood among soldiers and militaries, which is a more intangible benefit.

Garuda Shakti 2

Also read: Joint Indo-US Special Forces Exercise Vajra Prahar 2022

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Siddhant Sandhu

AIR-8 NCC SPL, Blogger at SSBCrackExams, Recommended from 19 SSB Allahabad, National Cyclist, Ex NCC SUO, Photography, Travelling, International Relations, Sports, Books.

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