How to Join RIMC: Rashtriya Indian Military College?

The Rashtriya Indian Military College is an Inter Services Institute and a Ministry of Defence Category ‘A’ establishment, alongside the National Defence Academy in Khadakvasla,...

The Rashtriya Indian Military College is an Inter Services Institute and a Ministry of Defence Category ‘A’ establishment, alongside the National Defence Academy in Khadakvasla, the Officers’ Training Academy in Chennai, and the Indian Military Academy in Dehradun. The College offers public school education to young boys aged 11 1/2 to 18 years, who are chosen through an All India competitive test. A designated feeder to the NAVAC Academy and the National Defence Academy. The College intends to send as many boys as possible to the NDA/NAVAC. As a result, it focuses on cadets’ overall education and personality development.

The goal of this institution was to equip Indian boys with appropriate education and training in order to assure a high success rate for Indians sent to the Royal Military College, Sandhurst, as part of the Indianisation programme of the Indian Army’s officer corps. RIMC was not a college, but rather a pre-Sandhurst institution run in the manner of an English public school. The British considered that if education in Britain was unattainable, a public school education in India was an absolute prerequisite for becoming an army officer. The British considered public school education to be especially important for Indian males whose upbringing prepared them for the rigours and self-discipline of army life.

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How to Join RIMC: Rashtriya Indian Military College


The admissions are made to class VIII only. There are two separate terms each year starting in July and January and July thus giving candidates two chances. Dates for the admissions will be notified in leading newspapers/Employment News. Approximately 25 cadets per term are selected. Generally, one vacancy per State is allotted. But in the case of some States with a larger population, two vacancies are allotted.

Rashtriya Indian Military College

State here refers to the state mentioned in domicile and not where the candidate is residing, After the eligible candidates apply for the admission process they will get their admit card prior to the examinations. The written exam consists of three different papers namely English, Mathematics, and General Knowledge conducted on the same day. After the results are announced selected candidates go for Viva-Voice Tests i.e. Interviews. Successful candidates here undergo medical examinations at military hospitals and then are issued their joining letter based on overall merit

The detailed procedure is explained below

Eligibility Criteria

  • Candidates should not be less than 11½ years of age or must not have attained the age of 13 on 01 (Jan) or 01 (July) of the Term they join in.
  • Admissions are made to Class VIII only. The candidate must be studying in Class VII or have passed Class VII from a recognised school at the time of joining.

 Application Forms

  • Candidates can obtain the prospectus and booklet of old question papers from the RIMC through speed post by forwarding a self-addressed slip and an account payee Bank Demand Draft of Rs 600/- for General Candidates and Rs 555/- for ST/SC Candidates along with Caste Certificate.
  • Online Method: Alternatively, the payment may be made by clicking on the link provided on the main page of the website and the Prospectus shall be sent to the address provided.
  • Candidates then will submit the application form to their respective state Governments.
  • The prospectus will carry each and every piece of information regarding the documents required and the detailed process, so read it very seriously.
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Admit Cards

Admit cards for the written exam will then be released by respective state governments mentioning the date, timings and venue of the examination. A call-up letter for an interview will be generated after the declaration of results.

Written Exam

Normally conducted in the month of December and June, the written exam consists of three subjects and is based on the syllabus till the seventh class:

Sr.NoSubjectMaximum Marks
(i)English Written Paper125
(ii)Mathematics Written Paper200
(iii)General Knowledge Written Paper75
(iv)Viva-voce (Designed primarily to test intelligence, personality, & communication50( Only for candidates who will qualify in the written skills etc of candidates. exam)

Syllabus for the Written Exam

English and Maths are descriptive in nature while responses for GK are recorded on OMR Sheet


There would be three sections in the English Exam

  • Section A: Reading Section(25 marks) includes comprehension of a paragraph of 15 marks and a poem of 10 marks
  • Section B: Writing Section(50 marks) includes a precis (60-80 words) of 6 marks, two essays (150 words) of 7 marks each, completing a story(120-150 words) on given input of 10 marks, a letter of 10 marks and a debate/speech(120-150words) of 10 marks.
  • Section C : Grammar(50 marks)
Rashtriya Indian Military College

 A detailed Syllabus Of English is given below

  • Common Errors
  • Homophones
  • Synonyms and Antonyms
  • Active And Passive Voice
  • Types Of Sentences
  • Transformation of Sentences
  • Pronouns, Adverbs and Verbs
  • Prepositions and Conjunctions
  • One Word Substitution
  • Idioms and Phrases
  • Miscellaneous
  • Essay Writing
  • Letter Writing
  • Story Writing
  • Speech Writing
  • Debate Writing
  • Precis Writing
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There would be two sections in the paper :

  • Section A(100 marks): 20 questions of 5 marks each
  • Section B(100 marks): 10 questions of 10 marks each

Following are the topics for the Maths Exams

  • Number System
  • HCF and LCM
  • Square & Square Root
  • Average Ratio & Proportion
  • Percentage
  • Profit and Loss
  • Time and Distance
  • Time & Work
  • Simple Interest
  • Basic Operations & Factorization
  • Linear Equations
  • Set Theory, Lines & Angles
  • Triangles, Quadrilateral & Parallelogram
  • Polygon
  • Mensuration
  • Surds And Indices
  • Exponents And Radicals
RIMC Campus

General Knowledge (OMR)

  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Biology
  • History
  • Geography
  • General Science
  • General Knowledge
  • IQ Tests
  • Sports

Note: Maths and General knowledge papers may be answered either in Hindi or in English. To qualify, a candidate must obtain a minimum of 50 % marks in each subject

Tips for the Written Examination

  • You should completely understand everything possible in the NCERT Books of Maths, Science, Social Sciences, and English for classes VI and VII.
  • You need to focus on problem-solving in Maths as the whole solution will be marked upon not just the final answer.
  • For English, you should try to read news articles, from the student edition of newspapers daily and then write a precis on one of the articles, and for another one write a letter and so on.
  • For general knowledge too the newspapers would suffice, other than that read your NCERT texts and make a note of important dates, names, definitions, places, characteristics, etc.
  • As the exam is time-bound give as many mock tests as possible and also solve the previous year’s papers available on the Internet
  • As the maths and English exams are handwritten so improve your handwriting by focussing on clarity and neatness.
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Note: Maths and General knowledge papers may be answered either in Hindi or in English. To qualify, a candidate must obtain a minimum of 50 % marks in each subject

Rashtriya Indian Military College 2


The state-wise list of selected candidates will be announced on the RIMC Website. The marks scored will be announced after the declaration of the final results. Selected candidates will be issued call-up letters for the Viva Voice(Interview) test.

Viva-Voice Test (50 marks)

Normally conducted in March and September the candidates will have to report for viva-voice test to their respective office as mentioned in their call-up letter. Candidates will be judged on the basis of intelligence, personality and confidence. Candidates will have to score at least 50 per cent marks to qualify.

Tips For the Viva-Voice Test

  • For practice at home, you may read articles in front of a newspaper to improve fluency.
  • For the most commonly asked questions like your hobbies, aim, reason for joining RIMC, etc you may already prepare at home
  • You should be properly dressed in a formal dress and carry all the documents asked in the call letter
  • Keep a smiling face in front of the assessors.
  • Don’t be nervous, the assessors know you are very young and will make you comfortable, so be confident.

Medical Examination

Successful candidates who qualify for the interview will undergo a medical examination as per the prospectus at the selected Military Hospital. The final selection of medically ‘fit’ will be done on the basis of total marks scored.

Joining Letter

The joining letters for the selected candidates will be sent to them and also uploaded on the school website. If a candidate fails to report or doesn’t join then the reserve (i.e. candidate below him in merit from his state) will be issued a joining letter.

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3 thoughts on “How to Join RIMC: Rashtriya Indian Military College?”

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