100 Latest SSB Lecturette Topics Asked In SSB Interview 2022 [Entry & SSB Board Wise]

Hello Warriors, We will look into the 100 most recent topics for the Lecturette task of the GTO that were asked in the SSB interview...

Hello Warriors, We will look into the 100 most recent topics for the Lecturette task of the GTO that were asked in the SSB interview for all entries to our recommended and other conferenced out cadets who have attended SSB interviews in recent days. We’re going to share the lecture topics entry and SSB board-wise that were asked in the last 3 months.

latest ssb lecturette topics asked in ssb interview entry ssb board wise

The nine tasks that are performed on the third and fourth day of the GTO task include Lecturette as one of those tasks. One of the many group tasks that are part of the GTO, this is one of the tasks that is completed by an individual. The lecturette is considered to be particularly important in terms of the SSB since it demonstrates a candidate’s confidence, power of speech, leadership qualities, and ability to influence others.

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Candidates will be seated in a semi-circle with something resembling a lectern in the middle. There would be slips on it, each holding four themes of varying difficulty. The first applicant chooses the top slip and has three minutes to prepare on any of the four topics of his choice. The next contender goes to prepare as the bell rings to call him to the podium at the conclusion of the three minutes. He will get three minutes to talk, with a warning bell at the end of the first minute and a final bell at the end of the third. Then the following candidate enters the stage and begins to speak, and so on until the final contestant.

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Latest SSB Lecturette Topics 2022 [Entry & SSB Boards Wise]

UIDAINCC entry19 SSB Allahabad
Indo-Nepal relationsNCC entry19 SSB Allahabad
superstitionsNCC entry19 SSB Allahabad
My favorite place to hang outNCC entry19 SSB Allahabad
Taiwan issueNCC entry19 SSB Allahabad
National basic incomeAFCAT1 AFSB Dehradun
Corporate punishmentAFCAT1 AFSB Dehradun
Physical fitnessAFCAT1 AFSB Dehradun
GreenhouseAFCAT1 AFSB Dehradun
Indo PacificAFCAT1 AFSB Dehradun
Human traffickingAFCAT1 AFSB Dehradun
Power of expressionAFCAT1 AFSB Dehradun
Liberal educationAFCAT1 AFSB Dehradun
Cyber securityAFCAT1 AFSB Dehradun
Monsoon dependencyCDS OTA24 SSB Bangalore
India’s entry into NSGCDS OTA24 SSB Bangalore
Hydrogen PolicyCDS OTA24 SSB Bangalore
Centre-State relationsCDS OTA24 SSB Bangalore
Diversity in IndiaCDS OTA24 SSB Bangalore
Tour of Duty schemeCDS OTA24 SSB Bangalore
Indo-Russia relationsCDS OTA24 SSB Bangalore
Space explorationAFCAT2 AFSB Mysuru
My favorite festivalAFCAT2 AFSB Mysuru
Cosmetic surgeryAFCAT2 AFSB Mysuru
Organic farmingAFCAT2 AFSB Mysuru
Cashless economyAFCAT2 AFSB Mysuru
Spectrum allocationAFCAT2 AFSB Mysuru
Global warmingAFCAT2 AFSB Mysuru
Urban migrationAFCAT2 AFSB Mysuru
Road SafetyAFCAT2 AFSB Mysuru
Reservation for womenAFCAT2 AFSB Mysuru
Doping in sportsAFCAT2 AFSB Mysuru
CyberwarAFCAT2 AFSB Mysuru
Agriculture in IndiaAFCAT2 AFSB Mysuru
Water conservationAFCAT MET2 AFSB Mysuru
Food adulterationAFCAT MET2 AFSB Mysuru
Doping in sportsAFCAT MET2 AFSB Mysuru
HydrotherapyAFCAT MET2 AFSB Mysuru
Work from homeAFCAT MET2 AFSB Mysuru
SatelliteAFCAT MET2 AFSB Mysuru
Gender biasAFCAT MET2 AFSB Mysuru
MeditationAFCAT MET2 AFSB Mysuru
Contagious diseaseAFCAT MET2 AFSB Mysuru
E-commerceAFCAT MET2 AFSB Mysuru
Stress managementAFCAT MET2 AFSB Mysuru
Sports as professionAFCAT MET2 AFSB Mysuru
Medical insuranceAFCAT MET2 AFSB Mysuru
Space tourismAFCAT MET2 AFSB Mysuru
National flagAFCAT MET2 AFSB Mysuru
Computer literacyAFCAT MET2 AFSB Mysuru
Youth in politicsAFCAT MET2 AFSB Mysuru
Black holeAFCAT MET2 AFSB Mysuru
Online paymentAFCAT MET2 AFSB Mysuru
CPECCDS31 SSB Kapurthala
LokpalCDS31 SSB Kapurthala
Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG)CDS31 SSB Kapurthala
Work from HomeCDS31 SSB Kapurthala
My favorite sportspersonCDS31 SSB Kapurthala
Women empowermentCDS31 SSB Kapurthala
Indo-Russia relationsCDS31 SSB Kapurthala
Indo-Nepal RelationsCDS31 SSB Kapurthala
IT revolutionCDS31 SSB Kapurthala
Oil diplomacySSC Tech 5934 SSB Allahabad
illiteracy in IndiaSSC Tech 5934 SSB Allahabad
Social welfare schemesSSC Tech 5934 SSB Allahabad
Nuclear energySSC Tech 5934 SSB Allahabad
Unity in diversitySSC Tech 5934 SSB Allahabad
Planning master in abroadSSC Tech 5934 SSB Allahabad
Aadhaar CardSSC Tech 5934 SSB Allahabad
Impact of Ukraine-Russia conflict on Energy ResourcesSSC Tech 5934 SSB Allahabad
Caste system in IndiaSSC Tech 5934 SSB Allahabad
Global WarmingAFCAT3 AFSB Gandhinagar
Fossil FuelsAFCAT3 AFSB Gandhinagar
South China SeaAFCAT3 AFSB Gandhinagar
Election commission of IndiaAFCAT3 AFSB Gandhinagar
Reality shows in IndiaAFCAT3 AFSB Gandhinagar
India Russia’s relationshipAFCAT3 AFSB Gandhinagar
Your role modelAFCAT3 AFSB Gandhinagar
Indian festivalAFCAT3 AFSB Gandhinagar
CryptocurrencyAFCAT3 AFSB Gandhinagar
Higher educationAFCAT3 AFSB Gandhinagar
Indian cultureAFCAT3 AFSB Gandhinagar
European UnionAFCAT3 AFSB Gandhinagar
IPLAFCAT3 AFSB Gandhinagar
Life beyond EarthAFCAT3 AFSB Gandhinagar
India Pak relationshipAFCAT3 AFSB Gandhinagar
Dangers through plastic useAFCAT4 AFSB VARANASI
Coaching centresAFCAT4 AFSB VARANASI
Piracy at seaNavy SSC (W)(NAIC)33 SSB Bhopal
Women empowermentNavy SSC (W)(NAIC)33 SSB Bhopal
India and its NeighboursNavy SSC (W)(NAIC)33 SSB Bhopal
Traditional/generic medicineNavy SSC (W)(NAIC)33 SSB Bhopal
South China SeaNavy SSC (W)(NAIC)33 SSB Bhopal
DeforestationNavy SSC (W)(NAIC)33 SSB Bhopal
Constitution of IndiaNavy SSC (W)(NAIC)33 SSB Bhopal
Swatch Bharat MissionNavy SSC (W)(NAIC)33 SSB Bhopal
Economy of IndiaNavy SSC (W)(NAIC)33 SSB Bhopal
5g TechnologyNavy SSC (W)(NAIC)33 SSB Bhopal
Importance of Joint Family SystemNavy SSC (W)(NAIC)33 SSB Bhopal
Social Networking SitesNavy SSC (W)(NAIC)33 SSB Bhopal
Mobile Phones: Boon or BaneNavy SSC (W)(NAIC)33 SSB Bhopal
YogaNavy SSC (W)(NAIC)33 SSB Bhopal

We hope that this list of lecturette topics will assist you in preparing for your forthcoming SSB interview. Also do not hesitate to add more lecturette topics to the comment areas which were asked in your SSB

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Picture of Drishti Goel

Drishti Goel

Senior Lecturer, SSBCrackExams, BSc.(H) in Mathematics from Delhi University, worked as a subject matter expert at K-12 level, also cleared JEE mains in 2017, having 3+ years of teaching experience.

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