What are the Top 5 Sniper Rifles used by the Indian Army?

The Indian Armed Forces employ the greatest equipment to combat the wide range of challenges they face. Sniper rifles are precise, long-range weaponry. The military...

The Indian Armed Forces employ the greatest equipment to combat the wide range of challenges they face. Sniper rifles are precise, long-range weaponry. The military sniper needs accuracy, dependability, mobility, concealment, and optics for anti-personnel, anti-material, and observation operations. The modern sniper rifle is a shoulder-fired weapon system that features a bolt-action or semi-automatic action, a telescoping sight for excellent accuracy, and a cartridge chambered for a centerfire round with exceptional ballistic performance. It goes without saying that the Indian Armed Forces employ sniper rifles for a wide range of activities, including but not limited to security, counter-insurgency, and counter-terrorism.

What are the Top 5 Sniper Rifles used by the Indian Army
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What is a Sniper Rifle?

The Sniper rifle is a long-range, very accurate firearm. It outperformed a normal rifle in terms of accuracy, dependability, portability, and concealability. The contemporary sniper rifle is chambered for a high-ballistic-performance centerfire cartridge and equipped with a telescopic sight for maximum precision. It is a shoulder-fired weapon system with the option of bolt-action or semi-automatic fire. The top 5 Sniper Rifles used by the Indian Army are:

Sig Sauer SSG 3000

The SSG 3000 is a bolt-action magazine-fed sniper rifle of German origin chambered for 7.6251mm NATO cartridges created and manufactured by the German manufacturer Sig Sauer. SSG 3000 sniper rifle manufacture began in 1992 and is still ongoing.

Sig Sauer SSG 3000

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Beretta Scorpio TGT

The Beretta Scorpio TGT is an Italian-made sniper rifle that fires a rimless, bottlenecked, centerfire rifle cartridge .338 Lapua Magnum (8.670 mm or 8.5870 mm) caliber. This sniper rifle was purchased for the Northern army command of the Indian army for troops posted along the Line of Control with Pakistan. It has an effective kill range of 1,500 to 1,800 meters.

Beretta Scorpio TGT 2

Mauser SP66 Sniper Rifle

The Mauser SP66 is a German-origin rotating bolt manual sniper rifle designed and produced by the German company Mauser. The Mauser SP66 is based on the Mauser’s Model 66 bolt-action rifle. After the terrorist attack on the Israeli Players at Munich Olympics in 1972, Mauser developed a military and police sniper version of the model 66 called the Mauser SP 66 sniper rifle. The production of SP66 sniper rifles began in 1976 and ended in the mid-1980s. In 1985 the SP66 sniper rifle was upgraded to Mauser 86SR. Mauser SP66 Sniper is used for long-range sniping by the Indian army.

Mauser SP66 sniper rifle

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Barrett M95 Sniper rifle

The Barrett M95 is an anti-material sniper rifle made in the United States that fires a.50 BMG (12.799mm) cartridge. This sniper rifle, along with the Beretta Scorpio TGT rifle, was purchased for the Northern Army command of the Indian army for troops posted near the Line of Control with Pakistan.

Barrett M95 Sniper rifle
Barrett M95 Sniper rifle 1

Sako TRG – 42 Sniper rifle

Sako’s TRG is a bolt-action sniper rifle designed and manufactured in Finland. The first Sako TRG variation was the TRG-21/TRG-41, which was created in 1989 and manufactured from 1989 to 1999. The second Sako TRG variation is the TRG-22/TRG-42, which was designed in 1999 and is still in production today. The Sako TRG-22 and TRG-42 were updated versions of the TRG-21 and TRG-41. Sako TRG rifles employ a variety of cartridges, including.260 Remington (TRG-22), 6.5mm Creedmoor (TRG-22 A1), and.308 Winchester (7.6251mm NATO) (TRG-21, TRG-22)..338 Lapua Magnum (TRG-41, TRG-42) and 300 Winchester Magnum (TRG-41, TRG-42).

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Siddhant Sandhu

AIR-8 NCC SPL, Blogger at SSBCrackExams, Recommended from 19 SSB Allahabad, National Cyclist, Ex NCC SUO, Photography, Travelling, International Relations, Sports, Books.

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