CDAC Replied On AFCAT RTI Application Submitted By Defence Aspirants

After AFCAT 2 2020 result was declared, many defence aspirants who wrote the exam expressed dissatisfaction towards their result and demanded more transparency in the...


After AFCAT 2 2020 result was declared, many defence aspirants who wrote the exam expressed dissatisfaction towards their result and demanded more transparency in the AFCAT result which is conducted by the CDAC on behalf of the Indian Air Force.

AFCAT is an online exam which is conducted by the CDAC, many aspirants have reporting glitches during the exam since 2018 when AFCAT went online from the offline mode. The major concern is not having access to the AFCAT answer sheet after the result, after AFCAT 2 2020 result many aspirants expressed their concern over this issue and the Indian Air Force had to officially reply to this situation, IAF officially denied any error in AFCAT 2 2020 result stating it is totally an automatic process without human intervention.

After one of the AFCAT aspirants filed the RTI to get clear information on her AFCAT 2 2020 marks and result. CDAC has replied to the RTI application, it has forwarded the same application to Central Public Information Officer Air Head Quarters (Vayu Bhavan) as it falls in their jurisdiction. Below is the response from CDAC.

afcat rti reply ssbcrack

Also Read: Can You Get Your AFCAT Answer Sheet Under RTI?

Picture of Pankaj Negi

Pankaj Negi

Founder, SSBCrack. An Army Brat with a passion for technology, blends innovation with deep insights to empower defence aspirants and enthusiasts.

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