6 Must Follow Tips For Personal Interview In SSB Interview

For candidates, the personal interview which is also called PI is the key factor and a game changer as well. Most of us take it...

For candidates, the personal interview which is also called PI is the key factor and a game changer as well. Most of us take it as normal and do not put effort to get more marks in PI, though it is not necessary to do something extraordinary and additional effort, still, there are do’s which every candidate must follow in the personal interview.

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Why a Personal Interview is Crucial?

  1. IO [Interviewing Officer], is the only person in the whole SSB who talks with you for more than 40- 50 mins continuously, related to your personal life, goals, attachments, success, failures, and whatnot. In other words, he has more information about you compared to any other accessor in the board.
  2. He will come to know, what you are, from what you speak in front of him.
  3. He knows the failures and hardships you have faced in your life, in short, he can decide whether you have the potential to become an officer in the Indian armed forces or not.
  4. He can convince GTO if your GTO marks are less, only if he finds you mentally stronger.

We can not fool a person who talks with us continuously for 40 -50 mins that too with back-to-back questions. IOs are experienced like anything, they might know your answer before you open your mouth. In short, if you go without preparation, you will cut short your chances of getting in.

Tips for Personal Interview in SSB

  1. Look smart, cheerful, and enthusiastic.
  2. Be audible but not too loud and appear keen to speak and respond to the questions.
  3. Sit straight and comfortably, do not fidget, and do not keep moving your hands and legs as it may distract the interviewer from your responses.
  4. If you have not understood anything politely ask for clarification or to repeat the question.
  5. Be clear about facts and figures regarding your biodata, and marks obtained. ranking in competitive exams, dates, name of school/institute, teachers, friends etc.
  6.  I do not remember” on aspects pertaining to your life, shows you in poor light.
  7. You are expected to be aware so as to touch upon current events if asked.
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