Which Forces Are Authorized to Wear The Maroon Beret?

What is a Beret? The Indian Armed Forces’ standard headgear is a beret. Officers and other ranks wear it. Turbans are permitted on Sikhs. Since...

What is a Beret?

The Indian Armed Forces’ standard headgear is a beret. Officers and other ranks wear it. Turbans are permitted on Sikhs. Since the middle of the 20th century, berets have been a part of the uniforms of military forces all over the world. They occur in a variety of forms, dimensions, and hues.

The Maroon Beret

The maroon Beret is the one that is most instantly noticeable. All around the world, the colour maroon represents airborne forces. The Maroon Beret is a component of the uniform in times of peace but is not worn during operations.

The military’s parachute forces troops are expressly permitted to wear berets. In the case of medical and other support officers, there may be some exclusions.

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However, the Indian Army’s maroon-beret units that are the easiest to identify include:

Indian Army

Indian Airforce

In the Indian Air Force, only the Special Forces wear the beret. The forces in IAF which are authorized to wear the beret are the GARUD commandos.

Indian Navy

In the Indian Navy, the Marine Commandos or the MARCOS are authorized to wear the beret on uniforms

Para-Military Forces

Among the Indian Paramilitary Forces, the Special Frontier Force of the Home Ministry are parachute trained and wear the maroon beret.

Parachute Trained Personnel

In addition to those forces listed above, any personnel with parachute training that is that they have completed the Para Basic Course and who is not a member of one of those forces may wear the beret with the previous approval of the Commanding Officer of their respective units.

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Siddhant Sandhu

AIR-8 NCC SPL, Blogger at SSBCrackExams, Recommended from 19 SSB Allahabad, National Cyclist, Ex NCC SUO, Photography, Travelling, International Relations, Sports, Books.

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