Who All Can Join The Territorial Army?

Many aspirants who are looking forward to joining the Territorial Army can read the official notification TA Exam 2022 on SSBCrackExams. In this article, we...

Many aspirants who are looking forward to joining the Territorial Army can read the official notification TA Exam 2022 on SSBCrackExams. In this article, we are going to talk about a frequently asked question which is, can I join the Territorial Army? So we are going to talk about what is TA and who all can join the TA.

Also Check: Territorial Army 2022 Notification And Exam Date – Territorial Army Recruitment For Civilians

But first, one needs to understand that the Territorial Army exam is not a regular entry, what do you mean by regular? Regular means joining the Armed Forces full-time through different entries like NDA, CDS, or AFCAT for Indian Air Force, etc. So what is TA? Territorial Army is a part-time commitment that you can pursue along with your current profession, that is why you can apply for the Territorial Army till the age of 42 years. You can carry on with your current profession and yearly you have to give 2 months of service in the Territorial Army, so yes, it will not be a full-time profession for you.

Before moving forward, if you are preparing for the Territorial Army exam, do check our TA Exam Online Course, which is a full-fledged course as per the latest syllabus of the Territorial Army exam. You can access this course on Desktop and via our Andriod App.

Let’s move ahead and know some basic eligibility criteria for joining the Territorial Army

  • You must be an Indian, of course.
  • Age must be 18 to 42 years as on last day of filling of the application.
  • You must be a graduate.
  • Physically and Medically fit.
  • You must be Gainfully Employed.

Now, the last part is where most of the aspirants get confused. What is Gainfully Employed? Gainfully employed means, you must have a job or business and you are earning from it. How would you prove that you are earning? You must be filling income tax, ITR etc. These are the records that will be checked during the process. So who all can apply for the Territorial Army?

  • Buisness Owners
  • Farmers
  • People working in MNCs
  • People working in other Govt services like Railways.
  • Doctors
  • Engineers
  • Actors, Artist, Musician
  • In Short all who are gainfully employed.

Serving officers because they are already serving in the armed forces and Students with no Jobs can not apply for the TA.

What is the Selection Procedure of the Territorial Army?

  • First TA exam will be conducted.
  • Candidates who clear the TA Exam will be called for a short PIB interview also known as Preliminary Interview Board.
  • One who is selected in PIB will be called for 5 Days SSB Interview.
  • One who is recommended by the SSB board will go for the Medical Board.
  • One who is declared fit by the medical board will wait for the final merit list.
  • Based on the merit list, they will get the Joining Letter.

Once you go for the PIB after the written exam, you need to carry the following documents:

  • Application Form IAF (TA)-9 (Revised) Part-2 to be downloaded from www.jointerritorialarmy.gov.in and fill it up in their own hand writing.
  • All educational qualification certificates (Matric onwards).
  • Latest physical fitness certificate from a registered MBBS Doctor.
  • Copy of Identity proof with photographs (Voter ID/PANCard/Passport/Driving license etc).
  • Domicile/ Residential proof.
  • Certificate for proof of age (Matric/ Senior Secondary mark sheetand certificate for verification of date of birth).
  • Service certificate by candidates employed in Central Govt/ Union Territory/ State/Semi Govt/ Private Sector Authenticated by Head Office along with salary certificate and No Objection Certificate by the department as per format given below.
  • Self-employed candidates are required to submit an Affidavit on Non-Judicial stamp paper of minimum value duly attested stating nature of employment and annual income along with photocopy of PAN card and self-certified character certificate.
  • Candidates whose names vary in documents should submit copy of Gazette notification of India/ State showing the correct name or an affidavit duly supported by newspaper cuttings.
  • Latest income proof from the appropriate authority (i.e. Income Tax Revenue Department / Magistrate / Employer).

Now it must be clear, so if you are preparing for the TA do check the given links below:


Picture of Pankaj Negi

Pankaj Negi

Founder, SSBCrack. An Army Brat with a passion for technology, blends innovation with deep insights to empower defence aspirants and enthusiasts.

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