5 Daily Habits for All SSB Interview Candidates Must Follow

The SSB Interview is a highly dynamic evaluation of your personality, which you project voluntarily and subconsciously, as well as the many Officers’ Like Qualities...

The SSB Interview is a highly dynamic evaluation of your personality, which you project voluntarily and subconsciously, as well as the many Officers’ Like Qualities or OLQs. The SSB’s selection process requires average and ordinary people who can perform extraordinary things and actions when called upon.

5 daily habits for all SSB Interview Candidates must follow

The Indian armed forces require officers with unrivaled mettle, quick wit, soldierly demeanor, concrete determination, and intense social intelligence that clearly distinguishes them from their fellow humans. As a result, unlike any other academic exam, preparation for it necessitates an ongoing effort that should be incorporated into your daily routine.

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Begin by making a timetable. An ideal timetable must include-

  • Time for exercise
  • Time for study
  • Time for reading/watching news
  • Time for some sport

Once you’ve mastered the timetable, start making changes in your behavior and reactions to everyday situations. For example, if your mother assigns you a chore, try not to procrastinate. If you have a project due, try to finish it on time. All of this will take time, but you will eventually instill punctuality.

Next, try being an active participant in extracurricular activities such as organizing a small event, giving a presentation at a seminar, or any other activity that requires you to interact with strangers.

  • Create useful hobbies It could be drawing, poetry, cycling, reading, or something else. This will not only sharpen your mind but will also teach you proper time management.
  • Maintain your cool. For example, if you have an assignment due tomorrow and you are still unprepared, try not to panic and instead look for solutions.

Do your daily tasks as if you’ve never done them before

In our daily lives, we engage in a variety of activities and actions, many of which are undertaken solely for the sake of doing so. If we can bring the neatness and perfection that is expected of a cadet in the academy, you will be able to practice self-discipline, which will result in better performance and task execution. For example, I used to come home from work and remove my shoes without even untying them, leaving them on the stairs rather than the shoes rack under the stairs.

Also read: 10 Good Habits Every CDS Aspirant Must Have

Working out for physical and mental stamina

You must practice self-discipline and what better way to do so than by devoting time to your overall well-being? Working out is another major activity that defense aspirants should do on a daily basis because it is sometimes directly linked to increased self-discipline and, of course, toughness and strength. Sticking to a routine or doing morning exercise can boost your determination and give you a sense of accomplishment when you reach your daily goal.

View Educational Programs

The Daily Debate shows on News Channels are the best adaptation or rehearsal of the Group Discussion. We all know that we remember more of what we see than what we read. As a result, watch Rajya Sabha TV’s talk and debate shows. The main shows are also available on Rajya Sabha’s official YouTube channel.

The first step in preparing for General Awareness is to read a newspaper

It will not only help you with current events, but the articles on the editorial page will also help you develop your logical and critical thinking skills. In your personal interview, and sometimes in your conference, you will be asked direct questions about the latest national and international news (if you are the borderline case). The facts and figures from the newspaper articles will help you back up your arguments in Group Discussion and form your points in Lecturette.

This is a key distinction between an officer and the average citizen. They do not panic, even when their men are in danger of being killed. That is why they are able to handle any situation.

Finally, be a cheerful, upbeat person. Allow your enthusiasm to spread happiness. Maintain a positive attitude toward life and face challenges with a smile.

Also read: 15 Good Habits To Stay Healthy For All Defence Aspirants

To crack the SSB Interview, You can join our SSB interview live classes batch and we recommend you Enroll SSB INTERVIEW ONLINE COURSE. Trusted by thousands of defence aspirants.

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Picture of Siddhant Sandhu

Siddhant Sandhu

AIR-8 NCC SPL, Blogger at SSBCrackExams, Recommended from 19 SSB Allahabad, National Cyclist, Ex NCC SUO, Photography, Travelling, International Relations, Sports, Books.

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