UPDATE: Indian Army has published the Territorial Army 2021 notification on 16 July 2021. Lakhs of Territorial Army aspirants are applying for the Territorial Army 2021. In this article, we going to look into some important information related to Territorial Army 2021 notification, if you are an TA aspirant and looking forward to applying and write this exam, these informations will be useful for you.
As per the latest update on the Territorial Army TA 2021 notification and exam, the notification has been published, candidates can apply for the TA 2021 exam on the official website from 20 July to 19 August 2021.
Applications are invited from gainfully employed young citizens for an opportunity of donning the uniform and serving the nation as Territorial Army Officers (Non Departmental), based on the concept of enabling motivated young citizens to serve in a military environment without having to sacrifice their primary professions. You can serve the nation in two capacities – as a civilian and as a soldier. No other option allows you such an expanse of experiences.
Must Read: How To Crack Territorial Army 2021 In 50 Days Study Plan, Full Analysis, And Best Strategy
Activity | Date |
TA Website | jointerritorialarmy.gov.in |
TA Online Registration | 20 July to 19 August 2021 |
Admit Card | One Week Before the Exam Date, The admit card will be made available online for being downloaded after submission of application by the candidates. The instructions will be available on the website. |
Written Exam | 26 September 2021 |
Result Date | Oct – Nov 2021 |
PIB Interview | Oct – Nov 2021 |
Result of PIB Interview | Nov – Dec 2021 |
TA 2021 Online Course | Click |
- Candidates who clear the written and then PIB personal interview will be shortlisted for the SSB Interview.
Territorial Army Eligibility
- Nationality: Only citizen of India (male and female).
- Age Limits: 18 to 42 years on the date of application.
- Educational Qualifications: Graduate from recognized university.
- Physical Standards: A candidate must be physically and medically fit in all respects.
- Employment: Gainfully Employed.
Territorial Army Exam Details
Exam name | Territorial Army Officers |
Conducted by | Territorial Army |
Name of posts | Territorial Army (Non-Departmental) for Civilians |
Exam category | Graduation |
Exam level | National |
Exam stages | Civilians: Screening (Written exam and interview), SSB, Medical Board for final selection |
Exam duration | Civilians: 4 hours |
Exam type | Civilians: Objective type |
Official website | jointerritorialarmy.gov.in |
Territorial Army Notification 2021
Territorial Army notification for civilian candidates has been published on 16 July 2021 and candidates can apply for the TA 2021 exam on the official website from 20th July 2021. Civilian candidates will go through the Territorial Army written exam, PIB and SSB interview.
Territorial Army 2021 Exam Date: 26 September 2021
Territorial Army Recruitment Dates for Civilians Candidates: 26 September 2021


STANDARD: The standard of the papers in Elementary Mathematics will be a Matriculation level. The standard of papers in other subjects will approximately be such as may be expected of a graduate of an Indian university.
Paper – I. Reasoning and Elementary Mathematics.
(a) Part – 1. Reasoning. The question paper will be designed to test the candidates ability to complete sequences making logical conclusion based on simple patter of numbers, statements, figures, letters etc as may be expected of a rational thinking person without any special study of the subject.
(b) Part – 2. Elementary Mathematics.
(i) Arithmetic. Number System – natural numbers, integers, rational and real numbers. Fundamental operations – addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, square roots, decimal fraction.
(ii) Unitary Method. Time and distance, time and work, percentages, application to simple and compound interest, profit and loss, ratio and proportion, variation.
(iii) Elementary Number Theory. Division algorithm, prime and composite numbers. Tests of divisibility by 2, 3, 4, 5, 9 & 11. Multiples and factors, factorization theorem, HCF and LCM. Euclidean algorithm, logarithms to base 10, laws of logarithms, use of logarithmic tables
(iv) Algebra. Basic operations, simple factors, remainder theorem, HCF, LCM, theory of polynomials, solutions of quadratic equations, relation between its roots and coefficients (only real roots to be considered). Simultaneous linear equations in two unknowns-analytical and graphical solutions. Simultaneous linear equations in two variables and their solutions. Practical problems leading to two simultaneous liner equations or in equations in two variables or quadratic equations in one variable and their solutions. Set language and set notation, rational expressions and conditional identities, laws of indices.
(v) Trigonometry. Sine x, cosine x, tangent x when O° < x < 90°. Values of sine x, cos x and ten x, for x = 0°, 30°, 45°, 60° & 90°. Simple trigonometric identities. Use of trigonometric tables. Simple cases of heights and distances.
(vi) Geometry. Lines and angles, plane and plane figures theorems on
- Properties of angles at a point.
- Parallel lines.
- Sides and angles of a triangle.
- Congruency of triangles.
- Similar triangles.
- Concurrence of medians and altitudes.
- Properties of angles, sides and diagonals of a parallelogram, rectangle and square.
- Circle and its properties, including tangents and normal.
- Loci.
(vii) Mensuration. Areas of squares, rectangles, parallelograms, triangle and circle. Areas of figures which can bisect into the figures (field book). Surface area and volume of cuboids, lateral surface and volume of right circular area of cylinders. Surface area and volume of spheres.
(viii) Statistics. Collection and tabulation of statistical data, graphical representation-frequency polygons, bar charts, pie charts, etc. Measures of central tendency.
Paper – II. General Knowledge and English.
(a) Part – 1. General Knowledge. General knowledge including knowledge of current events and such matters of everyday observation and experience in scientific aspects as may be expected of an educated person who has not made a special study of any scientific subject. The paper will also include questions on history of India and geography of nature which candidates should be able to answer without special study.
(b) Part – 2. English. The question paper will be designed to test the candidates’ understanding of English and workman – like use of words. Questions in English are from synonyms, antonyms, reading comprehension, Para jumbles, error spotting, jumbled sentences, sentence correction and fill in the blanks
CANDIDATES TO ENSURE THEIR ELIGIBILITY FOR THE EXAMINATION: The candidates applying for the examination should ensure that they fulfil all eligibility conditions for admission to the Examination. Their admission at all the stages of the examination will be purely provisional subject to satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions. Mere issue of Admission Certificate to the candidate will not imply that his candidature has been finally cleared by the competent authority.
- TIME: Maximum time for each paper is 02 hrs and will be conducted in two sessions.
- TYPE OF EXAM: Objective (OMR Answer Sheet will be used).
- QUALIFYING MARKS: Minimum 40% marks in each part of the paper separately and overall average of 50%.
- PENALTY FOR WRONG ANSWERS:Candidates should note that there will be penalty (Negative Marking) for wrong answers marked by a candidate in the Objective Type Question Papers.
- FEE DETAILS: Candidates’ are required to pay a fee of Rs 200/- (Rupees two hundred only). Candidates should note that payment of examination fee can be made only through the modes prescribed at website. Payment of fee through any other mode is neither valid nor acceptable. Applications submitted without the prescribed fee/mode shall be summarily rejected. Fee once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances nor can the fee be held in reserve for any other examination or selection.
HOW TO APPLY. Candidates are required to apply online by using the website www.jointerritorialarmy.gov.in.
(a) One month basic training in the first year of commission.
(b) Two months annual training camp every year including the first year.
(c) Three months Post Commissioning training within first two years at OTA, Chennai.
(a) Candidates whose application forms are found correct will be called for screening (written exam followed by interview only if passed in written exam) by a Preliminary Interview Board (PIB) by the respective Territorial Army Group Headquarters.
(b) Successful candidates will further undergo tests at a Service Selection Board (SSB) and Medical Board for final selection.
(c) Vacancies of male and female candidates will be determined as per organisational requirement.
![Territorial Army Selection [Step By Step]](https://www.ssbcrack.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/Territorial-Army-Selection-Step-By-Step.jpg)
Candidates’ are required to pay a fee of Rs 200/- (Rupees two hundred only). Candidates should note that payment of examination fee can be made only through the modes prescribed at website. Payment of fee through any other mode is neither valid nor acceptable. Applications submitted without the prescribed fee/mode shall be summarily rejected. Fee once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances nor can the fee be held in reserve for any other examination or selection.
- Territorial Army is part time concept with mandatory two months training in a year and does not provide full time career.
- Serving in Territorial Army do not guarantee pension and the same is subject to embodied service as per organisational requirement.
- Commission is granted in the rank of Lieutenant.
- Pay and Allowances and privileges will be same as Regular Army Officers when embodied for training and military service.
- Promotions upto Lt Col by time scale subject to fulfilling laid down criteria. Promotion to Colonel and Brigadier by selection.
- Officers commissioned in Infantry TA may be called out for military service for longer duration depending on the requirement.
A candidate who qualifies in the written test of Preliminary Interview Board is required to bring the following documents in original along with self-attested copies at the time of Preliminary Interview Board:
- Application Form IAF (TA)-9 (Revised) Part-2 to be downloaded from www.jointerritorialarmy.nic.in and fill it up in their own hand writing.
- All educational qualification certificates (Matric onwards).
- Latest physical fitness certificate from a registered MBBS Doctor.
- Copy of Identity proof with photographs (Voter ID/PAN Card/Passport/Driving license etc).
- Domicile/ Residential proof.
- Certificate for proof of age (Matric/ Senior Secondary mark sheet and certificate for verification of date of birth).
- Service certificate by candidates employed in Central Govt/ Union Territory/ State/Semi Govt/ Private Sector Authenticated by Head Office along with salary certificate and No Objection Certificate by the department as per format given below.
- Self employed candidates are required to submit an Affidavit on Non-Judicial stamp paper of minimum value duly attested stating nature of employment and annual income along with photocopy of PAN card and self certified character certificate.
- Candidates whose names vary in documents should submit copy of Gazette notification of India/ State showing the correct name or an affidavit duly supported by newspaper cuttings.
- Latest income proof from the appropriate authority (i.e. Income Tax Revenue Department / Magistrate / Employer).
- Copy of PAN Card.
- Copy of Aadhar Card.
- Copy of latest Income Tax Return (ITR) filed.
- Employees of Railways are required to submit No Objection Certificate authenticated by Railway Board.
How TA will check you are gainfully employed or not? : During your PIB interview, you need to submit the latest Income latest income proof from the appropriate authority and Income Tax Return documents, that will explain your monthly salary/income.
Join Territorial Army Online Course
When will the Territorial Army Exam 2021 exam be conducted?
The territorial Army 2021 exam will be conducted on 26 September 2021 Sunday.
When the Territorial Army TA 2021 notification come?
Candidates can apply for TA 2021 from 20 July to 19 August 2021 on the official website.
What is the Age limit for Territorial Army 2021?
18 to 42 years on the date of application.
When Civilian candidates can apply for the Territorial Army 2021?
Territorial Army notification for civilian candidates has been published on 16 July 2021 and candidates can apply for the TA 2021 exam on the official website from 20 July 2021.
- How To Crack Territorial Army 2021 In 50 Days Study Plan, Full Analysis, And Best Strategy
- How To Crack Territorial Army 2021 GK Topic Wise Analysis And Best Strategy
- How To Crack Territorial Army 2021 English Topic Wise Analysis And Best Strategy
- How To Crack Territorial Army 2021 Reasoning Topic Wise Analysis And Best Strategy
- Territorial Army Officer Recruitment Notification For Civilian Candidates 2021
- Territorial Army Exam Previous Year Question Papers 2012 – 2021 [Fully Solved Download PDF]
- Territorial Army Exam Syllabus 2021 [UPDATED]
- What Territorial Army Offers You?
- Who All Can Join The Territorial Army?
- Do You Know What Are The Territorial Army Service Benefits?
53 thoughts on “Territorial Army 2021 Notification And Exam Date – Territorial Army Recruitment For civilians”
Abhishek prajapati 855648
I am graduate eneployment. I want to join TA How ?
Can you tell me This vacancy come in every year.
My name is Gaurav Barotia. I want to Join TA to do something for my country. Please someone guide me!!!! 9029340498 and my gamil id is not fake
Where is the link?
Till date, i am unable to see the a link for registration, or new registration tab itself is not available, if anybody knows, if the exam is postponed, please let me know
please provide the link where to apply?
Plz give me information t.a officers vecancy this year ayengi ya nhi I’m waiting this vecancy
Officer vecuncy
Officer vecuncy
Is the TA exam 2021 postponed? It is noted that 5 May to 4 Jun 2021 application can be submitted. But no details in the TA official website and online application submission provision is also not available. Can we send the application form by post?
I have trying TA as Officer application form online, so many times but this site still not open, please suggest us now how can I submit application form of TA as Officer,, online date start from 5th May to 4th June 2021
I m purshuing my bsc I m elligible to attempt this exam
sir form ko bhejna kaha hai kyuki online tw abhi bhi ni khula hai
I am graduate eneployment. I want to join TA How ?
the one who works as a freelancer would be eligible for TA exam ?
Jai hind sir..my name is muthuraj.M
I am 4 years serving in 110 inf Bn (TA)MADRAS.
Mera qualification is B.SC(ZOOLOZY)&NCC C’ CERTIFICATE holder..
I am interested in the exam..me critiaria paday kiya tha..usme serving person not eligible..
Mey kiya karna sir.. please help for me..sir
Take permission from your CO through your Adjt / Coy Cdr and then apply for the entrance examination.
I want to know about exam centre..is it to be conducted in some parts only or overall India?
Sir, I am eagerly waiting for TA Exam. Since I have a passion to join in forces. Also this is only first and last chance for me to attempt. But I am an unemployed female. Am I not eligible?
No if you are u employment then u r not eligible. You can start something to earn money it can be anything may be home tuition etc . Thank tou
It can be private job or work from home data entry job. Any one is ok sir?
Is registeration form is offline ? T.A
Sir, Iam not able entering to the website. It is asking for the security code that is not showcased in the caption , request you to guide me
I am junior engineer in railway and10+2and act Apprenticeship certification +diploma in Mech engineering but not B.tech or any bachelor degree.can I join TA?
Graduation is mandatory. Diploma will not suffice if you wish to appear for Officers entry. You may opt for the entry of Non-Commissioned rank.
i want join
Jai hind sir,,,,main Assam se hu.maine BA kiya hai.mera age 33 yrs hain ,,main ek married person hu kya main Tarritorial army ke liye eligible hu
Yes sir you are eligible but h should have an source of income plus medical fit also
Plz give me information t.a officers vecancy this year ayengi ya nhi I’m waiting this vecancy
Territoriaal Army ka dor kb hai
Job a recrument West Bengal district long hoga
Sir mera graduation ka final year h
To kya m is form ko apply kr sakta hu
Please Reply sir
Sir hamko bhi army join karna h
I am interested to join
36year old.post graduate in social work (MSW)
Im Graduate and I have also NCC C certificate with Alfa grade….Kaya mujhe koi advantage milega….?
I am Vinod…BE completed… Married… Can apply this TA
I’m presently serving at Inf bn TA. I want to be an Indian Army officer.I will try to qualify the test. The rest is God’s will. 9748074903
I am intrested
Jai hind sir..
My name is Gopi .I’m from telangana state. I’m completed 10th ago 7years..
Sir ..I have a small doubt when conducting territorial army selection s in telangana..where place conducting
Secunderabad. The Unit is 125 TA of the Brigade of THE GUARDS
Abhishek prajapati 855648
Can a person with 40k salary in an IT company would be consider as an gainfully Employed?
I love in my indian army
Chandra Mohan Ram ji apko option diya jaega language choose krne ka. Interview k time apse puchha jaega k aap kaunsi language mein zada comfirtable hain. Tab aap interviewers ko bata sakte hain apni choice.
I want to join. In
Sir iwant become a part of TA, can I get updates on my registered email ID, from you. I would like to invest my rest life in Service Army and Nation.
Sir …Chandra mohan Ram
District Champawat Uttarakhand se..hu
Me hindi medium se hu … me exam clear kr leta hu to meea interview English me hoga…
Interview Hindi and English dono main hoga ,Dono worry
Sir, pib interview how laugage ???