Indian Air Force (IAF) has published the AFCAT 2 2021 admit card for the IAF aspirants who are going to write the AFCAT 2 2021 online exam on 28, 29, and 30th August 2021. In this article, you can find out the way to download your AFCAT 2 2021 admit card which is very important for you at the time of writing the exam and even while attending the AFSB interview.
How to DownloadAFCAT 02/2021 Admit Card
- Step 1: Go to the AFCAT CDAC website and click on ‘Candidate Login’ on the top right. From the drop-down select ‘AFCAT 02/2021 Cycle’
- Step 2: Enter your login details like username, password and captcha.
- Step 3: After login, click on download admit card.
Retrieve Password For AFCAT 02/2021 Admit Card

- Step 1: Go to the login page as mentioned above.
- Step 2: Click on the ‘Forgot Password’ and that will send you to the below page.

Admit Card for AFCAT 02/2021 is available for download through Candidate Login from 20 August 2021. Please verify its contents, read the instructions which are to be strictly adhered to, and carry a printout copy of the Admit Card along with other mandatory documents to the allotted exam centre as per the scheduled date and time, as given in the Admit Card. For AFCAT 02/2021 Help & Support.

- AFCAT 02/2021 will be conducted on 28, 29 and 30 Aug 2021.Candidates are to report to the exam centre in batches
from 07:30 AM onwards (for 1st Shift) and 12:30 PM onwards (for 2nd Shift) as per the time slot mentioned in the admit card.
They are to strictly adhere to the time of reporting in order to complete the entry formalities (including frisking) and verification process (biometrics, identification and inspection of admit card, ID proof, photograph, signature etc) before proceeding to the exam hall. The candidates are requested to locate the exam centre on the previous day so as to reach the venue in time on the day of their exam. Request for change of venue (exam centre) or date will not be entertained.
(a) Admit Card for AFCAT 02/2021
(b) Candidate’s Aadhaar Card
(c) Another valid photo identity card such as PAN card/ Passport/ Driving Licence/ Voter Identity Card/ College
Identity card or any other valid photo identity proof, with details of Name, Father’s name and Date of Birth
(e) Ballpoint Pen (Blue or Black) for signing on the attendance sheet and rough work - Candidates are also advised not to bring any valuable/ costly item to the exam Centres, as safe keeping of the same
cannot be assured. Examination authority will not be responsible for any loss in this regard. - Candidates must make own arrangements for conveyance. No TA/ DA or allowance will be paid for appearing in the
test. - This Admit Card only permits a candidate to appear in the AFCAT online examination based on details furnished by the
candidate in the application form. This in no way should be inferred as an acceptance of eligibility which will be scrutinized at subsequent stages of selection. - Candidate’s colour photograph will be taken during verification process. Candidates are required to put the thumb
impression on the admit card in advance (at home) before proceeding to the examination centre and to sign on the same in front of the invigilators. - Candidates will not be allowed to leave the exam hall before completion of the AFCAT/ EKT (as applicable).
After the exam, before leaving the exam hall, candidates are to write their name and particular on the rough sheets and drop the same in the drop boxes after displaying to the staff available next to drop box.
(a) Blue tooth device, communication/ electronic/ digital/ wireless devices like calculators, docupen,
electronic watches with facilities of calculator, cellular phone, memory card/ stick, pager, organizer, personal
digital assistant(PDA), concealed microphone or camera, earphones, radio, headset, walkman, recorder,
translator etc.
(b) Textual or stationery material such as a pencil-box/geometry box, book, paper, log tables, clip board,
slide rule (except blue or black transparent ballpoint pen)
(c) Personal items (wristwatch/ wristband, bracelets, handbags, ornaments, wallet, purse, head gear, scarf,
goggles, jacket), eatables items (chips, chocolates, food, drinks etc). - Consumption of tobacco or alcoholic products is strictly prohibited inside the exam centre premises.
- Candidates must visit the IAF Web Portal ( or regularly
and follow any advisory on the exam. - In the event of any uncertainty due to reasons of security, natural disaster or technical breakdown beyond control, IAF
reserves the right to delay or postpone the examination at a single or multiple exam centre(s). Candidates are requested to bear with the inconvenience and cooperate. - After logging in for the examination, the onus of filling the correct information in relevant fields, as per the
instructions given by the invigilator, is solely on the candidates. - Candidates are to occupy only the seat assigned to them. In the event of any candidate resorting to the use of unfair
means during exam or indulging in any other act of indiscipline like causing disturbance, rumours, sabotage (tampering with computer systems), talking or signaling during exam, assisting other candidates, arguing with invigilators/ exam staff etc, he/she will be withdrawn from the examination. His/ her candidature will be cancelled and the candidate will be debarred from all future AFCAT.
Two passport size colour photographs – same photo as uploaded during online application - Candidates are to bring the following documents/ items to the examination centre. Candidates who are not in
possession of the documents mentioned in Para (a) to (d) below will not be permitted to appear in the examination:- - This Admit Card is not transferable to any other person. Impersonation is a legally punishable offence. Legal action will
be taken if candidate found with fake admit card.
(a) On the exam day, candidates will have to wear slippers/ sandals with flat heels. Closed footwear like shoes
etc are not allowed in the exam centres.
(b) Clothing with large buttons are also not permitted.
(c) Those who wear specific attire for religious purposes will be required to report to the exam hall for mandatory
frisking. - Dress Code:-
- The following item(s) are PROHIBITED inside the exam centre premises. Possession of any of them would lead to
confiscation of the item and will be construed as attempt to using unfair means:-
Social Distancing measures will be implemented as per Government of India guidelines in the current scenario of COVID-19 to ensure the health & safety of the candidates. Adequate measures are implemented for the safety of all without compromising the high standards, sanctity, and fairness in the conduct of the examination. Candidates are also required to adhere to guidelines and for Social Distancing and hygiene to ensure the safety & health of their own and fellow candidates.
- Standard Operating Procedures for implementing safety precautions and for maintaining required standard of hygiene
are getting implemented. - Before each shift starts (and after last shift of the candidate) seating area will be thoroughly sanitized – monitor,
keyboard, mouse, webcam, desk and the chair, all door handles, staircase railing, lift buttons, etc will be disinfected. - The washrooms will be thoroughly disinfected.
- The trash bins will be emptied and disinfected.
- Ropes will be put outside the exam centre such that only 20 girls and 20 boys are in the queue at any given point of
time. - Markings will be made on the floor to ensure that the candidates maintain social distancing while in queue.
- Gap between two seats will be maintained as per GOI guidelines.
- Rough sheets will be kept at all desks before start of exam by invigilators wearing gloves to ensure hygiene.
- Candidate to reach centre as per the Reporting/ Entry time at Centre given in the Admit Card to avoid any crowding at
the centre at the time of entry and to maintain social distancing.
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