5 Killer Tips To Clear CDS Exam

UPSC released the CDS 2 2023 Examination notification on 17th May 2023. Candidates can apply for CDS 2 2023 Examination by going to the UPSC...


UPSC released the CDS 2 2023 Examination notification on 17th May 2023. Candidates can apply for CDS 2 2023 Examination by going to the UPSC Website and the Last Date to apply is 06th June 2023. Notification for the Combined Defence Services Examination (II) 2023 has been released according to the Union Public Service Commission calendar. The exam is a national-level examination for the recruitment of candidates into the Indian Military Academy, the Officers’ Training Academy, the Indian Naval Academy, and the Indian Air Force Academy.

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5 Killer Tips To Clear CDS Exam

CDS 2 2023 Exam Preparation is a must before appearing for the actual exam that is to be conducted on 03rd September 2023. Always after the CDS Exam results, many aspirants get shocked as they expect the result in their favour without understanding the competition level of the CDS Exam. Candidates must keep in mind that with time CDS exam competition level is increasing drastically. Even if you have had good preparation for the CDS exam, there are many others who have the upper hand in the preparation and will score better rank than you do. Lakhs of candidates are writing the CDS exam every year and only thousands of them will make it for the SSB Interview. So here we are talking more about the top 5 killer tips to get more marks in the CDS exam to clear it. Candidates can follow these tips to gain more advantage over other candidates.

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5 Killer Tips to Clear CDS Exam

  1. Know the syllabus first, candidates who are very good in general Mathematics, English and GK, especially the freshers, never look and study the syllabus of the CDS exam. Always study the syllabus of the exam because that will help you to understand what they might ask in the CDS exam paper. After you scan the whole CDS exam syllabus, make sure you are filtering out topics where you do not need any preparation and you are 100% confident of clearing it, topics which you are not 100% confident are the ones you want to prepare to clear the CDS exam. Weed out the topics on which you have zero knowledge and keep them for last. So here the basic idea is to prepare as many as topics you can with 100% confidence, even if you missed out on 10% of the topics from Maths, English and GK it won’t affect you that much. To have a better understanding of these topics, refer to the CDS exam questions blueprint.
  2. Refer to previous question papers of the CDS Exam; this method of preparation is followed by many successful candidates for many years. So always solve 10-15 previous question papers and find out where you are lacking, focus on topics which you are sure about and you will succeed without any doubt. Check out for CDS Exam Coaching online by SSBCrackExams for detailed lectures, mock tests and solved previous question papers.
  3. Consider various preparation sources like books, e-books, online preparation, online groups, blogs etc. This will make your preparation rock solid and you will also discover things which you are not aware of while preparing with a single source, if you are preparing from SSBCrackExams CDS Online Course, we never stop you from referring other sources, the more you study, the more you gain. So extend your horizon to discover more things related to CDS exam preparation, you never know what advantage you will get by preparing with all other sources.
  4. Start well in advance and make a plan as to how you are going to prepare for CDS exam, stick to your plan till the end. Most of the candidates who are good enough to clear the CDS exam never realize the importance of time, at the last minute they miss out the revision of important topics, this leads to sure shot failure. So always try to kick start your CDS exam preparation as soon as you can.
  5. In SSBCrackExams we have launched our CDS exam online coaching course by analyzing the need of present CDS exam aspirant. We not only stick to the strict topic wise plan but also provide the tracker to analyze the learning curve of the candidates, we assume there is less improvement when there is no feedback, our online course has high end reporting system which helps you to understand your weak and stronger sections of CDS Exam topics, this will not only help you to improve on those topics, but also save lot of time to focus on other things, may be another exam you are preparing for.

Hope these tips will give you some direction and will be helpful for you to understand where and how you should start your CDS exam preparation. You are never too late to start anything, so do not waste more time just thinking and start acting now. All the best!

To talk to SSBCrackExams Defence Mentors and Counselors, call 080-69185400 (Toll-Free)

1: How many times is the exam conducted in a year?

The CDS Exam is conducted twice a year and can be attempted in Hindi or English.

2. How many attempts can one give?

There are no restrictions on the number of attempts but one must adhere to the age limit.

3. When can I give the CDS Exam?

One can attempt the CDS Exam in the last semester of their graduation or can give the exam after the completion of the course.

4. When CDS 2 2023 exam will be conducted?

The CDS 1 2023 exam will be conducted on 03rd September 2023.

Want To Prepare For The CDS Exam and SSB Interview?


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333 thoughts on “5 Killer Tips To Clear CDS Exam”

    • sir I do not make time table for CDS exam and not mange the Time and some difficulties in mathematics and gk how to solve it.please help me.

    • sir I do not make time table for CDS exam and not mange the Time and some difficulties in mathematics and gk how to solve it.please help me.

  1. Sir, please add me in the whatsapp group it will be very helpful for me to get latest updates regarding cds exam. My no. is 8906175927 THANK U SIR

  2. Very effective one thank you for the information sir if there is any WhatsApp group for the CDS preparation please do add me this is my number

  3. I have a desire to serve my country as a commission office in IMA if you help me then i will find a path that gives me a slight satisfaction and I am optimistic about CDS

  4. sir i am also intersted to protect our country. I am also intrest to join INDIAN ARMY. sir please add me in this group. My watts app no:7382071022

  5. Sir I was attempt cds but failed drasticaly… Now lose hope became arise although I wish to do it now.. Plz add me 9778955551 my whatapp no

  6. Sir,This is sukesh can u add me in your WhatsApp group so that i can get to know more information about cds exam my number is 9494222834

  7. Free Study Material

    Join my WhatsApp group for preparation for all defence related exams.
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  8. Readers you can join one group for cds and defence exam . ADMIN 9044842012

    And @Ssbcrack
    Sir request you to please update last minute revision tips.

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  9. I am the part of Best cds group (our motive cds || 2016)..this is the best group and being the part of this group has improved my knowledge in no of way that i am still unaware.

    This is group admins number +919044842012

    I again tell you..this is the beSt group.
    Jai hind GUYS.

  10. Add me in your CDS whatsapp group. 7549988302
    i am a big fan of CDS abd want to clear this exam and also want to join it.

  11. I hope your tips will help me. And please add me to your group on whatsapp for further updated. 9461872220
    Thank you

  12. sir can u suggest how to prepare CDS exam and add me cds wats up groups or any helpfull groups
    ADD to me 8123290336

  13. hi arun
    I think it totally depends upon you. make sure your maths concepts are clear and solve at least 5 previous year question papers. Let be unambiguous about your strong and weak areas . CDS exam is very easy you can easily get 150 out of 300 if go strategically..
    I suggest you to read newspaper daily .

  14. Respected Sir / Madam

    Assume , After cracking CDS exam we directly get entry in any Military Academic. and after completing of academics training can we directly or recurited as a officer in any armed forced.

  15. sir/madam
    can u suggest some online groups, blogs, forums etc. for CDSE written. of-course ur website is there for the SSBs..
    Thanks in advance


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