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India To Host 18th G20 Summit | Highlights Of All Previous G20 Summits 

The 2023 G20 New Delhi summit is the upcoming eighteenth meeting of G20, a summit scheduled to take place in Bharat Mandapam International Exhibition-Convention Centre, Pragati Maidan, New Delhi in...

The 2023 G20 New Delhi summit is the upcoming eighteenth meeting of G20, a summit scheduled to take place in Bharat Mandapam International Exhibition-Convention Centre, Pragati Maidan, New Delhi in 2023. It will be the first ever G20 summit to be held in India as well as in South Asia.

Highlights Of All Previous G20 Summits – A Roadmap Leading To G20 India – New Delhi Summit 2023

Why In The News?
• The G20 Summit In New Delhi Is All Set To Commence On 9th September 2023. The Summit Will Be Held For 2 Days And Will Be Joined By Representatives Of Member Nations As Well As Guest Nations.
• During The Summit, Representatives Will Engage In Discussions About Diverse Economic Reforms.

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All Previous G20 Summits – Highlights
1st Summit: USA (Washington DC) – 2008 (November): It Was Held Against The Backdrop Of The 2008 Global Economic Crisis – The Summit Was Called ‘Summit On Financial Markets And The World Economy’. Agreed On Common Principles For Reforming Global Financial Markets And An Action Plan For Implementing Those Principles.
• The Common Principles Were As Follows: Strengthening Transparency And Accountability; Enhancing Sound Regulation; Promoting Integrity In Financial Markets; Reinforcing International Cooperation; Reforming International Financial Institutions (IFIS).

2nd Summit: UK (London) – 2009 (April): 2009: The Main Focus Continued To Be The Global Economic Crisis. G20 States Provided $5 Trillion In Stimulus To The World Economy, Also Pledged $1 Trillion Dollars In Additional Resources To The IMF And Strengthen Its Role In Global Finance And Reform Its Governance.

3rd Summit: USA (Pittsburgh) – 2009 (September): G20 Was Officially Designated As “The Premier Forum For International Economic Co-operation”. The Move Was A Recognition That The G8 Was A Thing Of The Past, As It Excluded Economies Like China, India, South Africa, Mexico And Brazil.

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4th Summit: Canada (Toronto) – 2010 (June): Members Acknowledged The Fragile And Uneven State Of The Global Economy After The 2008 Economic Crisis. Most Significantly, Advanced Economies Agreed To Cut Their Deficits In Half By 2013, And Put Debt Loads On A Stable Or Downward Path By 2016.

5th Summit: South Korea (Seoul) – 2010 (November): For The First Time In The Meeting’s Short History, Development Policy Issues Were On Its Agenda. Together They Came To Be Known As ‘Seoul Development Consensus For Shared Growth’.

6th Summit: France (Cannes) – 2011 (November): The Focus Of The Meeting Was The Reform Of The International Monetary System. The Establishment Of The Agricultural Market Information System (AMIS) Was One Of The Key Outcomes Of The Summit.

7th Summit: Mexico (Los Cabos) – 2012 (June): Its Main Agenda Was To Find Ways To Fight Youth Unemployment And Generate Quality Jobs With Social Security Coverage And Fair Income. Link Among Development Agenda, Agriculture And Environment-friendly Economic Growth Were Underlined.

8th Summit: Russia (Saint Petersburg) – 2013 (September): Leaders Not Only Agreed On The Automatic Exchange Of Tax Information But Also Passed Something Called The Action Plan On Base Erosion And Profit Shifting (BEPS).

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9th Summit: Australia (Brisbane) – 2014 (November): The Leaders Set An Ambitious Goal At The Conclusion Of The Meeting – To Increase The G20 Countries’ Collective GDP By An Additional Two Per Cent. They Also Aimed At Reducing The Gender Gap In The Labour Workforce By 25% By 2025.

10th Summit: Turkey (Antalya) – 2015 (November): First Time G20 Member Countries Focused On The Migration And Refugee Crisis. Moreover, Leaders Agreed To More Financial Sector Reforms And Support For Plans To Tackle Climate Change. A Statement On The ‘Fight Against Terrorism’ Was Also Issued.

11th Summit: China (Hangzhou) – 2016 (September): Two Developments Stood Out During The Summit. The Digital Economy, An Essential Driver Of Development And Growth Was Included In The G20 Agenda. The ‘G20 Action Plan On 2030 Agenda For Sustainable Development’ Was Adopted.

12th Summit: Germany (Hamburg) – 2017 (July): Special Emphasis Was Given To The Topic Of Counterterrorism. The Joint Declaration Issued At The End Of The Summit Reiterated The Importance Of The Paris Agreement, An International Treaty On Climate Change Adopted In 2015 And Said It Was “Irreversible”.

13th Summit: Argentina (Buenos Aires) – 2018 (Nov – Dec): Reaffirmed Support For The UN Agenda 2030 For Sustainable Development, Stressed The Need For Ramping Up The Efforts To Deal With Climate Change. Multilateral Approach To Trade And Of The Reform Of The WTO & A Rules-Based International Order.

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14th Summit: Japan (Osaka) – 2019 (June): Main Theme Was Exploitation Of The Internet For Terrorism. They Urged Online Platforms Not To Facilitate Terrorism And Violent Extremism Conducive To Terrorism (VECT), And To Prevent Such Content From Being Streamed, Uploaded, Or Re-uploaded.

15th Summit: Saudi Arabia – 2020 (November): It Was Held Via Video Conference Due To The Outbreak Of The COVID-19 Pandemic. The Leaders Pledged To Work Together To Overcome The Pandemic, Restore Growth, And Build A More Inclusive, Sustainable And Resilient Future.

16th Summit: Italy (Rome) – 2021 (October): Committed To Keep Fighting Against Climate Change. Agreed To Keep The Goal Of Limiting Global Warming To 1.5 Degrees Compared With Pre-industrial Levels Within Reach. Also Pledged To Achieve Carbon Neutrality By Or Around Mid-century.

17th Summit: Indonesia (Bali) – 2022 (November): First Summit Since The Russian Invasion Of Ukraine & The First Full-fledged Physical Leaders’ Meeting Since The COVID-19 Pandemic Began. Condemned The Russian Aggression Against Ukraine. And, Use Of, Or Threats Of The Use Of, Nuclear Weapons.

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18th Summit: India (New Delhi) – 2023 (September)
• The 2023 G20 New Delhi Summit Is The Upcoming 18th Meeting Of G20 Summit Scheduled To Take Place In Bharat Mandapam International Exhibition-convention Centre (IECC), Pragati Maidan, New Delhi. It Will Be The First Ever G20 Summit To Be Held In India As Well As In South Asia.
G20 India Has Put Forth 6 Agenda Priorities For The G20 Dialogue In 2023:
o Green Development, Climate Finance & Life
o Accelerated, Inclusive & Resilient Growth
o Accelerating Progress On SDGs
o Technological Transformation & Digital Public Infrastructure
o Multilateral Institutions For The 21st Century
o Women-Led Development

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Next G20 Summits
• The 19th G20 Summit 2024 Will Be Hosted By Brazil In Rio De Janeiro Followed By 20th G20 Summit 2025 By South Africa.

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