Mouse Embryos Grown In Space For First Time

Mouse embryos have been grown on the International Space Station and developed normally in the first study indicating it could be possible for humans to...

Mouse embryos have been grown on the International Space Station and developed normally in the first study indicating it could be possible for humans to reproduce in space, a group of Japanese scientists said.

Mouse Embryos Grown In Space For First Time

Why In News

  • Mouse embryos have been grown on the International Space Station and developed normally in the first study indicating it could be possible for humans to reproduce in space, a group of Japanese scientists said.
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World’s First Experiment

  • T It is “the world’s first experiment that cultured early-stage mammalian embryos under complete microgravity of ISS,” the statement said.
  • The researchers, including Teruhiko Wakayama, professor of University of Yamanashi’s Advanced Biotechnology Centre, and a team from the Japan Aerospace Space Agency (JAXA), sent frozen mouse embryos on board a rocket to the ISS in August 2021.
  • Astronauts thawed the early-stage embryos using a special device designed for this purpose and grew them on the station for four days.
  •  “The embryos cultured under microgravity conditions developed” normally into blastocysts, cells that develop into the foetus and placenta, the scientists said.
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  • The experiment “clearly demonstrated that gravity had no significant effect, changes in condition of the DNA and genes, after they analysed the blastocysts that were sent back to their laboratories on Earth.
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  • Back on Earth, the researchers examined the embryos and found no signs of DNA damage—radiation levels are higher in space as there is no protection from Earth’s magnetic field and atmosphere—and normal structural development that was in line with embryos cultured under standard Earth gravity.
  • This is “the first-ever study that shows mammals may be able to thrive in space,”
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What’s Next

  • To ascertain the viability of these embryos, the next step involves transplanting them into mice to determine if normal births can occur.
  • Such research carries significant implications for future space exploration and colonisation plans.
  • The success of this experiment holds relevance to NASA’s Artemis programme, which aims to return humans to the Moon as a stepping stone for eventual Mars missions.
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  • “There is a possibility of pregnancy during a future trip to Mars because it will take more than six months to travel there,” Wakayama told New Scientist.
  •  “We are conducting research to ensure we will be able to safely have children if that time comes.” There’s still a lot of work to be done to determine whether pregnancy in space is advisable.
  • The research did not take into account the effects of radiation, which is a lot higher in space than it is on Earth.
  • The development was also halted at the blastocyst stage. It’s not known whether development in utero would lead to different outcomes.
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Picture of Ruby Thakur

Ruby Thakur

General Studies Lecturer SSBCrackExams, BSc In PCM, Trained Students For State Services Exams. Expertise in Geography ,Polity & Current Affairs. Love Travelling.

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